Bentley OpenUtilities CONNECT Edition Help

Finding Units

The Find dialog box helps you locate a particular item in the Units, Materials, and Custom Costs folders. You can search for an item when you know all or part of its name or description. You can also search for a unit or material if you know its ID number. Searches are not case-sensitive.

In a standard search, Bentley OpenUtilities Designer checks the Name, ID (for units and materials), and Description field. Selecting the Search Name/ID Fields Only check box (or Search Name Field Only for materials) will narrow the search and produce faster results.

When the search is completed, the pane on the Find dialog box displays items that match the search term you entered. The status bar on the dialog box indicates the number of matched items. Double-clicking a matched item highlights it in the list displayed in the Units view.

If you are searching for a retired unit, make sure the Show Retired Units option is selected on the View menu before you start the Find operation.