Creating New Job Defaults
A new job default is created from an existing job default using the Duplicate command. You can duplicate a public job default or one of your own job defaults. (The Workflow Manager component also allows you to create a new job default from a duplicated job default-i.e., a copy of a copy.) If you do not have the authority to create public job defaults, then any new job default that you create will be private.
When you make a copy of a job default, the system automatically assigns a name based on the name of the original: "Copy of . . . " (for example, "Copy of Standard OH"). You can rename the new job default and give it a short description by opening the Job Default Properties dialog box. It's a good idea to give the job default a unique name, although this is not required.
After creating the job default, you can use the Job Default Assistant to make changes to the original job default. These changes can include adding and removing attributes as well as choosing different attribute values at the global and feature levels.