StormCAD 2024 Help

Time-Intensity Method

When editing a definition of the Time-Intensity definition type, the tabbed area of the dialog contains the following controls:

Storm Data Input Tab

Add Return Event: Opens a submenu containing the following commands:

  • New Return Event: Opens the New Storm Data Settings dialog, allowing you to define the parameters for the return event.
  • Add Return Event from Storm Data: Opens the Storm Data Engineering Library, allowing you to select a predefined storm data to use.
  • Add Return Event from Dimensionless Curve: Opens the Dimensionless Rainfall Curve Engineering Library, allowing you to select a predefined dimensionless curve to use.
  • Add Return Event from Chicago Storm Data: Opens the New Return Event from Chicago Storm Data dialog allowing you to enter Chicago storm information to generate a hyetograph. (see Calculating a Hyetogrph from Chicago Storm Data.

Delete: Removes the currently highlighted storm from the list.

Edit: Allows you to edit the currently highlighted storm data.

Notes Tab

This tab contains a text field that allows you to enter descriptive notes that will be associated with the currently highlighted storm data definition.

Library Tab

This tab displays information about the storm data definition that is currently highlighted in the list pane. If the storm data definition is derived from an engineering library, the synchronization details can be found here. If the storm data definition was created manually for this model, the synchronization details will display the message Orphan (local), indicating that the storm data definition was not derived from a library entry.