StormCAD 2024 Help

Control Overrides

During a SCADA Simulation you can override default behavior for a set duration. For example, can open or close a diversion pipe, turn pumps on/off, or adjust the opening of control structure.
  • Add - Will open up the drawing to select the element in which to apply overrides.
  • Delete - Will remove the selected override.
    Enabled? Toggle the overrides on or off by checking or unchecking the box.
    Controlled Element The element to which the overrides applies.
    Element Type The type of element to which the override applies.
    Attribute Based on the element type certain attributed are editable:
      • Pump, Variable Speed Pump Battery
        • Pump Status - Sets whether the pump is on or off.
        • Pump Setting - Applies a multiplier to the flow in the pump curve.
    • Conduit
      • Pipe Status - Sets whether the pipe is open or closed.
      • Orifice Setting - if the conduit has a start orifice structure can set a fraction multiplier to the orifice area, where Fully Open = 1.0 and Closed = 0.0
      • Weir Setting - if the conduit has a start weir structure can set a fraction multiplier to the freeboard height of the weir. Where Fully Open = 1.0 and Closed = 0.0
      • Outlet Setting - if the conduit has a start generic outlet control can set a multiplier to defined outflow.
      • Pressure Pipe
        • Pipe Status - Sets whether the pipe is open or closed.
    Value Based on the Attribute, enter the override value.
    Start Date Specify the Start Date when the override becomes enabled.
    Start Time Specify the Start Time on the Start Date when the override becomes enabled.
    Duration Specify the amount of time that the override is in effect. If the value is 0 will assume to run the override for the entire simulation.
    Priority Specify the priority of the override. The higher priority value wins, in the case of contradictory override controls.
    Notes Any notes to associate with current override.