StormCAD 2024 Help

Tools Menu

The Tools menu contains the following commands:

Active Topology Selection Opens a Select dialog to select elements in the drawing to make them Inactive or Active.
Thiessen Polygon Opens the Thiessen Polygon Creator, which allows you to quickly create polygon layers for use with the LoadBuilder demand allocation module.
LoadBuilder Opens the LoadBuilder manager where you can assign demands to model nodes using data from outside sources.
Hyperlinks Lets you associate external files, such as pictures or movie files, with elements. For more information, see Adding Hyperlinks to Elements.
ModelBuilder Opens the ModelBuilder Connections Manager, which lets you create, edit, and manage ModelBuilder connections to be used in the model-building/model-synchronizing process. For more information, see ModelBuilder Connections Manager.
TRex Opens the TRex Wizard, which steps you through the process of automatically assigning elevations to specified nodes based on data from a Digital Elevation Model or a Digital Terrain Model.
User Data Extensions Opens the User Data Extension dialog box, which lets you add and define custom data fields. For example, you can add new fields such as the pipe installation date. For more information, see User Data Extensions.
Hydraulic Reviewer Opens the Hydraulic Reviewer tool, which allows you to quickly assess the convergence and stability of the model.
Element Property Inferencing Opens the Element Property Inferencing tool, which lets you tell StormCAD 2024 how to draw "inferences" about missing values from the property values of nearby elements
Inflow Control Center Opens the Inflow Control Center, allowing you to create, edit, and delete sanitary inflow definitions.
Sanitary Load Control Center Opens the Sanitary Load Control Center, allowing you to create, edit, and delete sanitary load definitions.
Scenario Comparison The scenario comparison tool enables you to compare input values between any two scenarios to identify differences quickly.
Batch Pipe Split Opens the Batch Pipe Split dialog.
Database Utilities Opens a submenu containing the following commands: Compact Database —When you delete data from a StormCAD 2024 model, such as elements or alternatives, the database store that StormCAD 2024 uses can become fragmented, causing unnecessarily large data files, which impact performance substantially. Compacting the database eliminates the empty data records, thereby defragmenting the datastore and improving the performance of the file.
Note: Every tenth time a file is saved, StormCAD 2024 will automatically prompt you to compact the database. If you open a file without saving it, the count does not go up. If you open and save a file multiple times in the same session, the count only goes up on the first save. If you open, save, and close the file, the count goes up. Click Yes to compact the database, or no to close the prompt dialog box without compacting. Since compacting the database can take time, especially for larger models, you may want to postpone the compact procedure until a later time. You can modify how StormCAD 2024 compacts the database in the Options dialog box. For more information, see Options Dialog Box - Global Tab.
Synchronize Drawing —Synchronizes the current model drawing with the model database. Update Database Cache —Ensures consistency between the database and the model by recalculating and updating certain cached information. Normally this operation is not required to be used. Update Results in Custom Result File Location—This command copies the model result files (if any) from the model directory (the directory where the model .mdb file is saved) to the custom result file directory. The custom result directory is specified in Tools>Options>Model tab. This allows you to make a copy of the results that may exist in the model's save directory and replace the current results being worked on with them. Copy Results to Custom Result File Location—This command copies the result files that are currently being used by the model to the model directory (where the model .mdb is stored). Update Conduit Descriptions—Update the conduit descriptions.
Layout Opens a submenu that lists each of the available element types. Select one of the element types in the submenu to place that element in your model. Note that less commonly used element types can be found under the "Other -..." submenu.
External Tools Run an existing external tool or create a new one by opening up the External Tools manager.
Options Opens the Options dialog box, which lets you change global settings such as display pane settings, drawing scale, units, display precision and format used, and element labeling.