StormCAD 2024 Help


A Tap node is used to connect a lateral pipe to another conduit. It controls the location of the connection, and the stop invert elevation of the lateral pipe. Unlike most other types of node, when it is placed it does not break the conduit into two separate pieces, so it is the same as a bend in that respect. A tap can either be inserted into the conduit, and will therefore be along its path, or associated to the trunk conduit, and therefore be at an offset from it.

The Tap node can either be connected so that the invert of the lateral pipe is aligned with the centre or the soffit of the other conduit. In both cases an offset can be specified to adjust this, so that the lateral can be made to align “centre to centre” with the other conduit, or a vertical connection into the top of the other conduit can be modelled if required.

Note: Tap elevations are dynamic, based on the elevation at the location where the tap connects to the pipe. All tap elevations are reset to N/A whenever anything changes that might impact the elevation (e.g. move an element, change a diameter, etc).