StormCAD 2024 Help

Pump Stations

A pump station element provides a way for a user to indicate which pumps are in the same structure, serving the same pressure zone. It provides a graphical way to display the pumps associated with the station. A pump station is not a hydraulic element in that it is not directly used in a hydraulic analysis but rather it is a collection of pumps which are the hydraulic elements.

A pump station is a polygon element which displays which pumps are in the station by dashed lines connecting the pumps with the station polygon centroid. A pump does not need to be inside the polygon to be a pump assigned to the station and pumps inside the polygon still need to be assigned to the station. The only information saved with a pump station is the geometry of the station and the list of pumps assigned to the station.

A pump station element is useful in calculating and displaying an analysis of pump combinations.

Usually the pumps and associated piping are laid out before the station is drawn. However, the station polygon can be drawn first. The station element is created by picking the pump station element icon

from the layout menu and drawing a polygon around the extents of the station. When the polygon is complete, the user right clicks and selects "Done".

Individual pump elements are assigned to a station by selecting the pump element and in the Pump Station property, picking the pump station which the pump is associated. A dashed line is drawn from the pump to the station. This also can be done in the physical alternative for pumps. To assign several pumps at once, a global edit can be used provided that at least one pump has already been assigned to that station.

Sometimes a pump station structure can house pumps pumping to more than one pressure zone (e.g. medium service and high service). For the purposes of StormCAD , this would be two (or more) pump station polygon elements, one for each pressure zone.