StormCAD 2024 Help

Importing Data from Bentley Wastewater

You can import data from a Bentley Wastewater data source. Before importing this data into StormCAD , you must first export it from Bentley Wastewater into a set of output files. These output files can then be imported into a model.

To export Bentley Wastewater data to a set of output files:

  1. In the Bentley Wastewater toolbar, click the Export > Data command.
  2. In the dialog that appears, select all of the listed element types.
  3. Click the File button and select a destination output file.
  4. Use the MicroStation Place Fence tool and draw a fence surrounding the model.
  5. Click on the Start button in the Export Data dialog and click inside the fence you created in step 4.

To import Bentley Wastewater data from a set of output files:

  1. In StormCAD , click File > Import > Bentley Wastewater Import.
  2. Follow the steps in the Bentley Wastewater Import Wizard that appears.