StormCAD 2024 Help

Low Impact Development Controls

In the network layout, a Low Impact Development Control element represents the area of a catchment that is associated with a Low Impact Development (LID) control. A LID control can be deployed throughout a study area to store, infiltrate, and evaporate subcatchment runoff.

When you click the LID control element on the Layout toolbar, your mouse cursor changes into a LID control element symbol. LID control elements are polygons. Clicking in the drawing pane while this tool is active causes one point of the LID control polygon to be placed at the location of the mouse cursor. Continue clicking to define the other points that make up the polygon to define the shape of the LID control. To finish placing the LID control, right-click and select Done.

If the shape of the LID control is not important, such as in a schematic drawing, you can place a generic LID control by holding down the Ctrl button after clicking once, then moving the mouse cursor to define the size of the LID control, then clicking again to place it.