StormCAD 2024 Help

Extreme Flow Setups Dialog

The Extreme Flow Setup dialog lets you define a list of Extreme Flow Setups. An Extreme Flow Setup allows you to match unit sanitary loads with appropriate extreme flow factor methods.

Each scenario can use a different Extreme Flow Setup, thus allowing you to model different load alternatives (average, minimum daily, maximum daily, etc).

The dialog box contains a toolbar, an Extreme Flow Setups list pane, and a table where the setup data is edited. The toolbar contains the following buttons:

New Creates a new entry in the Extreme Flow Setups List Pane.
Duplicate Creates a copy of the currently highlighted entry in the Extreme Flow Setups List Pane.
Delete Deletes the entry that is currently highlighted in the Extreme Flow Setups List Pane.
Rename Lets you rename the entry that is currently highlighted in the Extreme Flow Setups List Pane.
Report Lets you generate a preformatted report that contains the input data associated with the entry that is currently highlighted in the Extreme Flow Setups List Pane.

The table on the right contains the following columns:

Use When the box is checked the associated unit sanitary loads will be used during calculations. If the box is not checked the associated loads will be ignored.
Unit Load The sanitary load to be associated with an Extreme Flow Method.
Extreme Flow Method Lists the currently defined Extreme Flow factors. Click the ellipsis button to open the Extreme Flows dialog. You can also select a Constant method, in which the unit load is multiplied by the user-defined Constant value.
Constant Available only for the Constant Extreme Flow Method, it simply multiplies the unit load by that constant.
Adjustment Multiplier Used to adjust an existing Extreme Flow Method. The following formula is used: EFF (new) = EFF (original) x AM The Adjustment Multiplier does not change the Extreme Flow Method, but changes the extreme flow factor for the selected unit sanitary load. None and Constant Extreme Flow Methods cannot be adjusted.