SewerGEMS 2024 Help

TRex Wizard Step 1

Step 1: File Selection

The data source file, the SewerGEMS 2024 model, and the features to which elevations will be assigned are specified.

  • Data Source Type--This menu allows you to choose the type of file that contains the input data you will use. Supported data source types include: Bentley .tin, Bentley .dtm, Bentley .fil, .dwg point, .dxf point, .dwg contour, .dxf contour,LandXML .xml, and Esri .shp.
  • File--This field displays the path where the data source file is located. Use the browse button to find and select the desired file.
  • Spatial Reference (ArcGIS Mode Only)--Click the Ellipsis (...) next to this field to open the Spatial Reference Properties dialog box, allowing you to specify the spatial reference being used by the elevation data file.
  • Select Elevation Field--Select the elevation unit.
  • X-Y Units--This menu allows the selection of the measurement unit type associated with the X and Y coordinates of the elevation data file.
  • Z Units--This menu allows the selection of the measurement unit type associated with the Z coordinates of the elevation data file.
  • Clip Dataset to Model--In some cases, the data source contains elevation data for an area that exceeds the dimensions of the area being modeled. When this box is checked, TRex will calculate the model’s bounding box, find the larger dimension (width or height), calculate the Buffering Percentage of that dimension, and increase both the width and height of the model bounding box by that amount. Then any data point that falls outside of the new bounding box will not be used to generate the elevation mesh. If this box isn’t checked, all the source data points are used to generate the elevation mesh. Checking this box should result in faster calculation speed and use less memory.
  • Buffering Percentage--This field is only active when the Clip Dataset to Model box is checked. The percentage entered here is the percentage of the larger dimension (width or height) of the model’s bounding box that will be added to both the bounding box width and height to find the area within which the source data points will be used to build the elevation mesh.
  • Spatial Reference (ArcGIS Mode Only)--Click the Ellipsis (...) next to this field to open the Spatial Reference Properties dialog box, allowing you to specify the spatial reference being used by the SewerGEMS 2024 model file.
  • Also update inactive elements--Check this box to include inactive elements in the elevation assignment operation. When this box is unchecked, elements that are marked Inactive will be ignored by TRex.
  • All--When this button is selected, TRex will attempt to assign elevations to all nodes within the SewerGEMS 2024 model.
  • Selection--When this button is selected, TRex will attempt to assign elevations to all currently highlighted nodes.
  • Selection Set--When this is selected, the Selection Set menu is activated. When the Selection Set button is selected, TRex will assign elevations to all nodes within the selection set that is specified in this menu.
Note: If the SewerGEMS 2024 model (which may or may not have a spatial reference explicitly associated with it) is in a different spatial reference than the DEM/DTM (which does have a spatial reference explicitly associated with it), then the features of the model will be projected from the model’s spatial reference to the spatial reference used by the DEM/DTM.