SewerGEMS 2024 Help

Creating Prototypes

Prototypes contain default values for SewerGEMS elements. You create prototypes in the Prototypes Manager.

To create a prototype:

  1. Open your model or start a new model.
  2. Select Layout > Properties > Prototypes. The Prototypes Manager opens. All element types are displayed in an expanding and collapsing list.
  3. Select the element type for which you want to create a prototype, then click the New button. The element type in the list expands to display all the prototypes that exist for that element type. Each element type contains a default prototype, which is not editable, and any prototypes that you have created. The current set of default values for each element type is identified by the Make Current icon.
  4. Double-click the prototype you just created. The Property Editor for the element type opens.
  5. Edit the attribute values in the Property Editor as required.
  6. To make the new prototype the default, click the Make Current button in the Prototypes Manager. The icon next to the prototype changes to indicate that the values in the prototype will be applied to all instances of that element type that you add to your current model.
  7. Perform the following optional steps: To rename a prototype, select the prototype in the list and click the Rename button. To delete a prototype, select the prototype in the list and click the Delete button. To view a report of the default values in the prototype, select the prototype in the list and click the Report button.

Prototypes Manager

The Prototypes Manager allows you to create prototypes, which contain default common data for each element type. The Prototypes Manager consists of a toolbar and a list pane, which displays all of the available elements.

Note that element types that are not used in the current model are marked with an icon.

The list of elements in the Prototypes Manager list pane is expandable and collapsible. Click on the Plus sign to expand an element and see its associated prototypes. Click on the Minus sign to collapse the element.

Each element in the list pane contains a default prototype; you cannot edit this default prototype. The default prototypes contains common values for each element type; if you add elements to your model without creating new prototypes, the data values in the default prototypes appear in the Property Editor for that element type.

The toolbar contains the following buttons:

New: Creates a new prototype of the selected element.

Delete: Deletes the prototype that is currently highlighted in the list pane.

Rename: Lets you rename the prototype that is currently highlighted in the list pane.

Make Current: Lets you make the prototype that is currently highlighted in the list pane the default for that element type. When you make the current prototype the default, every element of that type that you add to your model in the current model will contain the same common data as the prototype.

Report: Lets you view a report of the data associated with the prototype that is currently highlighted in the list pane.

Help: Displays online help for the Prototypes Manager.