SewerGEMS 2024 Help

Loss Methods

Supported hydrology runoff and loss methods include:

Constant Rate: This method is also called as "fLoss", the model uses the user specified loss rate (unit being depth/time) to deduct it from the rainfall intensity curve to get the excess rainfall curve for runoff calculation.

Initial Loss and Constant Rate: User specifies an initial loss value and a constant loss rate, the model first applies the initial loss to the rainfall intensity curve and after the initial loss taken the model applies a constant loss rate to get the excess rainfall intensity curve for runoff calculation. If one of the two data is zero then it means that only one of the loss types (either initial loss or the constant rate loss) is applied. Therefore basically this loss method covers 3 types of losses:

  • Initial Loss
  • Constant Rate Loss
  • Initial Loss and Constant Rate Loss combined

Initial Loss and Constant Fraction: User specifies an initial loss value and a constant fraction, the model first applies the initial loss to the rainfall intensity curve and after the initial loss taken the model applies a constant fraction loss to get the excess rainfall intensity curve for runoff calculation. If one of the two data is zero then it means that only one of the loss types (either initial loss or the constant fraction loss) is applied. Therefore basically this loss method covers 3 types of losses:

  • Initial Loss
  • Constant Rate Loss
  • Initial Loss and Constant Rate Loss combined