SewerGEMS 2024 Help

Chart Tools Gallery Dialog Box - Axis Tab

Use the Axis tab to add tools related to the axes in your chart. The Axis tab contains the following tools:

Axis Arrows

Lets you add arrows to the axes. The arrows permit you to scroll along the axes. After you have added the Axis Arrows tool to your graph, you can modify the following settings:

Axis Select the axis to which you want to add arrows.
Border Lets you set the outline of the arrows. The Border Editor opens, see "Border Editor Dialog Box" .
Fill Lets you set the fill for the arrows. The Hatch Brush Editor opens, see "Hatch Brush Editor Dialog Box" .
Length Lets you set the length of the arrows.
Inverted Scroll Lets you change the direction in which the arrows let you scroll.
Scroll Changes the magnitude of the scroll. Set a smaller percentage to reduce the amount of scroll caused by one click of an axis arrow, or set a larger percentage to increase the amount of scroll caused by a click.
Position Lets you set an axis arrow at the start, end, or both positions of the axis.

Color Band

Lets you apply a color band to your graph for a range of values you select from an axis. After you have added the Color Band tool to your graph, you can modify the following settings:

Axis Select the axis that you want to use to define the range for the color band.
Border Lets you set the outline of the color band. The Border Editor opens, see "Border Editor Dialog Box" .
Pattern Lets you set the fill of the color band. The Hatch Brush Editor opens, see "Hatch Brush Editor Dialog Box" .
Gradient Lets you set a gradient for the color band. A gradient overrides any solid color fill you might have set. The Gradient Editor opens, see "Gradient Editor Dialog Box" .
Color Lets you set a solid color for the color band. The Color Editor opens, see "Color Editor Dialog Box" .
Start Value Sets where the color band begins. Specify a value on the selected axis.
End Value Sets where the color band ends. Specify a vale on the selected axis.
Transparency Lets you set transparency for your color, where 100 is completely transparent and 0 is completely opaque.
Draw Behind Lets you position the color band behind the graphs. If you clear this check box, the color band appears in front of your graphs and hides them, unless you have transparency set.

Color Line

Lets you apply a color line, or plane in three dimensions, at a point you set at a value on an axis. After you have added the Color Line tool to your graph, you can modify the following settings:

Axis Select the axis that you want to use to define the location for the line.
Border Lets you set the outline of the color line. The Border Editor opens, see "Border Editor Dialog Box" .
Value Sets where the color line is. Specify a value on the selected axis.
Allow Drag Lets you drag the line or lock the line in place. Select this check box if you want to permit dragging. clear this check box if you want the line to be fixed in one location.
Drag Repaint Lets you smooth the appearance of the line as you drag it.
No Limit Drag Lets you drag the line beyond the axes of the graph, or constrain the line to boundaries defined by those axes. Select this check box to permit unconstrained dragging.
Draw Behind Lets you position the color line behind the graphs. If you clear this check box, the color band appears in front of your graphs. This is more noticeable in 3D graphs.
Draw 3D Lets you display the line as a 2D image in a 3D chart. If you have a 3D chart (see "3D Tab" ), clear this check box to display the line as a line rather than a plane.