SewerGEMS 2024 Help

Boundary Line

The boundary condition line can serve one of two purposes:
  • Establish the boundary elevation (constant or time variant), particularly at a channel boundary.
  • Distributes flow onto the computational grid across the length of the line.

Boundary lines can be the Outflow Element of one or more Catchment elements.

The boundary line has the following properties:
  • Boundary Type: Choose to define the boundary line as either a Flow boundary, or an Elevation boundary.
If the Flow Boundary is Selected:
  • Boundary Flow Type: Choose how to define the flow source. Choose either a time variable hydrograph, or a constant flow.
  • Flow: If the Flow Type is “Constant” simple set the flow value for the current Boundary Point.
  • Hydrograph (Surface): If the Flow Type is “Hydrograph”, click the (…) button in the field to edit the hydrograph.
If the Elevation Boundary is Selected:
  • Boundary Elevation Type: Choose how to define the elevation boundary: either a constant value or variable over time.
  • Elevation (Constant): If the Boundary Type is constant than this value which applied over the course of the simulation.
  • Time-Elevation Curve: If the Boundary Type is Time Series, then can enter how the elevation at the boundary varies over time. Simply, click the (…) button to edit the curve when the field is active.

See 2D Boundary Conditions.