SewerGEMS 2024 Help

Critical Storm Analysis Wizard – Step 3 (UK and Other)

Storm Event Profiles – United Kingdom and Other Workflows

This page is displayed if the IDF Storm Group selected is one of the following types:

  • User Defined IDF Table
  • Hydro-35
  • IDF Table Equation
  • IDF Curve Equation
  • IDF Polynomial Equation
  • Flood Studies Report (United Kingdom)
  • Flood Estimation Handbook 1999 (United Kingdom)
  • Flood Estimation Handbook 2013 (United Kingdom)

Specify the type of storm event to generate. The choices are Time-Intensity and Time-Depth. The default selection is Time-Intensity. If you select Time-Depth, you can then specify whether to generate cumulative or incremental depth curves.

In the provided table, select the storm event library and corresponding dimensionless rainfall curve. A catchment prototype and calculation option are also required for each row. Only catchment prototypes that use non-Rational based runoff methods are available for selection. Only calculation options that use the implicit, explicit or GVF-Convex (using EPS) solvers are available for selection.

The table provides you the choice of any type of storm event profile – this can be either a fixed-time storm event profile or a dimensionless storm event profile.

If there are no storm event profiles available, click the […] button on the right side of the cell for storm event profile library or storm event profile. This will open the Engineering Libraries dialog. From here, you have limited editing abilities. You can add an existing engineering library. To create and populate a new library, use the Engineering Libraries command in the ribbon

Catchment Prototype

If you selected a base scenario that uses a non-rational based runoff method, then you can optionally leave the catchment prototype unassigned. This will use the existing catchment properties during the calculation. However, if the base scenario is rational method based (Rational Method, Rational Method (UK), Modified Rational) then assigning a catchment prototype is required.

Calculation Options

Calculation options also need to be selected. Only calculation options that use the implicit, explicit or GVF-Convex (using EPS) solvers will be available for selection. This allows you completely customize the calculation options on how each profile is calculated.

At this point you can optionally click on Finish which will immediately start the calculations or click on Next to review the profiles that will be used for the calculations.

The export button allows you to export the settings of the wizard to an external file for use later. This can make the process of configuring the wizard a lot quicker like presetting the selection of return periods and durations to use. You can export to ProjectWise as well as the local data storage.