SewerGEMS 2024 Help

Axes Tab

Use the Axes tab set how your axes display. It includes the following controls and subtabs:


When checked, displays all of your graph’s axes; clear it to hide all of the graph’s axes.


When checked, displays all of your graph’s axes behind the series display; clear it to display the axes in front of the series display.


Select the axis you want to edit. The Scales, Labels, Ticks, Title, Minor, and Position tabs and their controls pertain only to the selected axis.

Do not delete the axes called Custom 0 and Custom 1, as these are reserved axes that are needed by SewerGEMS .

Scales Tab

Use the Scales tab to define your axes scales. The Scales tab contains the following controls:

Automatic Lets you automatically or manually set the minimum and maximum axis values. Select this check box if you want TeeChart to automatically set both minimum and maximum, or clear this check box if you want to manually set either or both.
Visible Displays the axis if selected, hides the axis if cleared.
Inverted Reverses the order in which the axis scale increments. If the minimum value is at the origin, then selecting Inverted puts the maximum value at the origin.
Change Lets you change the increment of the axis.
Increment Displays the increment value you set for the axis.
Logarithmic Lets you use a logarithmic scale for the axis.
Log Base If you select a logarithmic scale, set the base you want to use in the text box.
Minimum Tab  
Auto Lets you automatically or manually set the minimum axis value.
Change Lets you enter a value for the axis minimum.
Offset Lets you adjust the axis scale to change the location of the minimum or maximum axis value with respect to the origin.
Maximum Tab  
Auto Lets you automatically or manually set the maximum axis value.
Change Lets you enter a value for the axis maximum.
Offset Lets you adjust the axis scale to change the location of the minimum or maximum axis value with respect to the origin.

Labels Tab

Use the Labels tab to define your axes text. The Labels tab contains the following subtabs and controls:

Style Tab  
Visible Lets you show or hide the axis text.
Multi-line Lets you split labels or values into more than one line if the text contains a space. Select this check box to enable multi-line text.
Round first Controls whether axis labels are automatically rounded to the nearest magnitude.
Label on axis Controls whether Labels just at Axis Minimum and Maximum positions are shown. This applies only if the maximum value for the axis matches the label for extreme value on the chart.
Size Determines distance between the margin of the graph and the placement of the labels.
Angle Sets the angle of the axis labels. In addition to using the up and down arrows to set the angle in 90° increments, you can type an angle you want to use.
Min. Separation % Sets the minimum distance between axis labels.
Style Lets you set the label style. Auto —Lets TeeChart automatically set the label style. Value —Sets axis labeling based on minimum and maximum axis values. Text —Uses text for labels. Since SewerGEMS uses numeric values, this is not implemented; don’t use it. None —Turns off axis labels. Mark —Uses SeriesMarks style for labels. Since SewerGEMS uses numeric values, this is not implemented; don’t use it.
Format Tab  
Exponential Displays the axis label using an exponent, if appropriate.
Values Format Lets you set the numbering format for the axis labels.
Default Alignment Lets you select and clear the default TeeChart alignment for the right or left axes only.
Text Tab  
Font Lets you set the font properties for axis labels. This opens the Windows Font dialog box.
Color Lets you select the color for the axis label font. Double-click the colored square between Font and Fill to open the Color Editor dialog box (see "Color Editor Dialog Box" ).
Fill Lets you set a pattern the axis label font. The Hatch Brush Editor opens, see "Hatch Brush Editor Dialog Box" .
Shadow —Lets you set a shadow for the axis labels. Visible —Lets you display a shadow for the axis labels. Select this check box to display the axis label shadow. Size —Lets you set the location of the shadow. Use larger numbers to offset the shadow by a large amount. Color —Lets you set a color for the shadow. You might set this to gray but can set it to any other color. The Color Editor opens. Pattern —Lets you set a pattern for the shadow. The Hatch Brush Editor opens. Transparency —Lets you set transparency for your shadow, where 100 is completely transparent and 0 is completely opaque.

Ticks Tab

Use the Ticks tab to define the major ticks and their grid lines. The Ticks tab contains the following controls:

Axis Lets you set the properties of the selected axis. Opens the Border Editor dialog box.
Grid Lets you set the properties of the graph’s grid lines that intersect the selected axis. Opens the Border Editor dialog box.
Ticks Lets you set the properties of the tick marks that are next to the labels on the label-side of the selected axis. Opens the Border Editor dialog box.
Len Sets the length of the Ticks or Inner ticks.
Inner Lets you set the properties of the tick marks that are next to the labels on the graph-side of the selected axis. Opens the Border Editor dialog box.
Centered Lets you align between the grid labels the graph’s grid lines that intersect the selected axis.
At Labels Only Sets the axis ticks and axis grid to be drawn at labels only. Otherwise, they are drawn at all axis increment positions.

Title Tab

Use the Title tab to set the axis titles. The Title tab contains the following subtabs and controls:

Style Tab  
Title Lets you type a new axis title.
Angle Sets the angle of the axis title. In addition to using the up and down arrows to set the angle in 90° increments, you can type an angle you want to use.
Size Determines distance between the margin of the graph and the placement of the labels. xxxx not functional (busted)
Visible Check box that lets you display or hide the axis title.
Text Tab  
Font Lets you set the font properties for axis title. This opens the Windows Font dialog box.
Color Lets you select the color for the axis title font. Double-click the colored square between Font and Fill to open the Color Editor dialog box (see "Color Editor Dialog Box" ).
Fill Lets you set a pattern the axis title font. The Hatch Brush Editor opens, see "Hatch Brush Editor Dialog Box"
Shadow Lets you set a shadow for the axis title. Visible —Lets you display a shadow for the axis title. Select this check box to display the axis label shadow. Size —Lets you set the location of the shadow. Use larger numbers to offset the shadow by a large amount. Color —Lets you set a color for the shadow. You might set this to gray but can set it to any other color. The Color Editor opens. Pattern —Lets you set a pattern for the shadow. The Hatch Brush Editor opens. Transparency —Lets you set transparency for your shadow, where 100 is completely transparent and 0 is completely opaque.

Minor Tab

Use the Minor tab to define those graph ticks that are neither major ticks. The Minor tab contains the following controls and tabs:

Ticks Lets you set the properties of the minor tick marks. The Border Editor opens, see "Border Editor Dialog Box" .
Length Sets the length of the minor tick marks.
Grid Lets you set the properties of grid lines that align with the minor ticks. The Border Editor opens, see "Border Editor Dialog Box" .
Count Sets the number of minor tick marks.

Position Tab

Use the Position tab to set the axes position for your graph. The Position tab contains the following controls:

Position % Sets the position of the axis on the graph in pixels or as a percentage of the graph’s dimensions.
Start % Sets the start of the axis as percentage of width (horizontal axis) and height (vertical axis) of the graph. The original axis scale is fitted to new axis height/width.
End % Sets the end of the axis as percentage of width (horizontal axis) and height (vertical axis) of the graph. The original axis scale is fitted to new axis height/width.
Units Lets you select pixels or percentage as the unit for the axis position.
Z % Sets the Z dimension as a percentage of the graph’s dimensions. This is unused by SewerGEMS .