SewerGEMS 2024 Help

Physical Alternative for Wet Wells

The physical alternative editor for wet wells is used to create various data sets for the physical characteristics of wet wells. The following columns are available:

Column Description
ID Displays the unique identifier for each element in the alternative.
Label Displays the label for each element in the alternative.
Exponent The exponent of the area function for the currently highlighted element. It is available only when Wet Well Area Function is chosen as the Wet Well Volume Type.
Coefficient The coefficient of the area function for the currently highlighted element. It is available only when Wet Well Area Function is chosen as the Wet Well Volume Type.
Area Allows you to define the area of each wet well in the alternative.
Wet Well Depth-Area Curve Clicking the Ellipsis (…) button in this field opens the Wet Well Depth-Area Curve editor, allowing you to define the depth-area curve for each wet well in the alternative that uses the Wet Well Depth-Area Curve Wet Well Volume Type.
Wet Well Volume Type Lets you specify the volume type of each wet well in the alternative. The type chosen here will affect the availability of other fields in the alternative.
Ponded Area Lets you define the ponded area of the wet well.
Max. Level Lets you define the maximum water surface elevation of the wet well.
Elevation (Invert) Lets you define the invert elevation of each wet well in the alternative.