SewerGEMS 2024 Help

Bulk Archive Tracked Changes


From the ribbon, choose Review > Bulk Archive.

Bulk Archive provides an optimal way to offload large amounts of change tracking data. For more fine tuned archiving, use the Archive feature within the View Tracked Changes form.

Records to keep: Specify the number of records you would like to keep. If the value you specify exceeds the number of change tracking records available nothing will be archived and a warning will be shown. (You can open the View Tracked Changes form to determine the total number of change tracking records).

Archive Mode: There are two archive modes:
  • Archive remaining records: Allows you to save the remaining records to an external file as they are being cleaned up. You will be prompted for a filename.
  • Delete remaining records: Allows you to simply delete the remaining records without saving.
Note: The Delete and Archive processes can be interrupted before completion by pressing the Stop button (only records processed up to that point will have been archived/deleted).
Note: Choose Delete remaining records and specify 0 Records to keep to perform an optimized delete.