SewerGEMS 2024 Help

Node Summary Tab

This tab displays a table of calculations for nodes in your model. Nodes include catch basins, manholes, outfalls, ponds (but not cross-sections, catchments, etc.). You cannot modify the table, it is read-only. To edit a node, select it in the Drawing Pane and edit its attributes in the Property Editor.

The Node Summary tab displays the following information:

Label Displays the label of each node in your model.
Element Type Displays the kind of node being reported on.
Branch Provides information for engineers who are troubleshooting a model or looking to simplify a particularly complex model. The {{Bentley CivilStorm}} calculation engine includes a heuristic routine that decomposes a network into its component branches, and each branch is solved independently using an implicit solver. Each branch comprises a series of connected elements. Elements with the same branch ID are solved together.
Time to Max Inflow Displays how long after the simulation starts that maximum flow into the nodes occurs.
Flow (Maximum in) Displays the calculated flow into the nodes. (Outfalls cannot have inflow.)
Time to Maximum Inlet Flow Displays how long after the simulation starts that maximum flow into the nodes occurs.
Flow (Surface Maximum) Displays the maximum flow into each of the nodes of your model.
Time to Max Captured Flow Displays how long after the simulation starts that maximum captured flow occurs in each catch basin.
Flow (Captured Maximum) Displays the calculated captured flow in each catch basin.
Time to Maximum Overflow Displays how long after the simulation starts that maximum overflow occurs at each of the nodes in your model.
Flow (Overflow Maximum) Displays the maximum overflow at each of the nodes of your model.