SewerGEMS 2024 Help

Importing Pressure Pipes

The following rules and considerations govern the importing of pressure pipe elements from SWMM:

Import Rules

  1. All Conduits of the type "force main" will be imported as pressure pipes regardless of their position in the SWMM network.
  2. A SWMM junction is converted to a pressure junction if all bounding links are pressure links. Pressure links are as follows:
  3. Conduits of shape "force main".
  4. SWMM pump links.
  5. If a catchment is emptying into a SWMM junction, that junction will be turned into a manhole regardless of its position in the system. A user notification will be generated.
  6. On the import of a SWMM pump link, two links are created to connect the pump node to the system:
  7. If the discharge node is a pressure junction - two virtual pressure links are created;
  8. Otherwise two virtual conduits are created.

Pressure Pipe Considerations

  • Diameter directly translates.
  • The roughness value will be entered into Manning's, DarcyWeisbach, or Hazen Williams depending on which SWMM Pressure Roughness method is selected in the calculation options.
  • "Number of Barrels" data is NOT imported.

Presssure Junction Considerations

  • The invert directly translates.
  • Inflow and Sanitary Flows are directly translated.
  • Ground Elevation will equal Max Depth + Invert
  • RDII flow data will NOT be imported.