SewerGEMS 2024 Help

Image Properties Dialog Box

This dialog box opens when you are adding or editing a background-layer image other than a .dxf or .shp. Use the following controls to define the properties of the background layer:

Filename Lists the path and filename of the image file to use as a background layer.
Image Filter Lets you more clearly display background images that you resize. Set this to Point , Bilinear , or Trilinear . These are methods of displaying your image on-screen. Point works well when you are not changing the size of the image in the display, for example, when you are displaying a 500 x 500 pixel image at 100% using 500 x 500 pixels on-screen. Bilinear and Trilinear work well when you display your image on-screen using more or fewer pixels than your image contains, such as displaying a 500 x 500 pixel image at by stretching it to 800 x 800 pixels on-screen. Trilinear gives you smoother transitions when you zoom in and out of the image.
Transparency The transparency level of the background layer. SewerGEMS lets you add transparency to any image type you use as a background. SewerGEMS ignores any transparency that exists in the image before you use it as a background.
Resolution Lets you select the clarity for MrSID ® images that you use as background images. Because using a higher level of clarity or resolution increases the time it takes to display a MrSID image, you can select the resolution that best meets your needs. For formats other than MrSID, this drop-down list contains only one selection.
Use Compression This checkbox lets you compress the image in memory so that it takes up less RAM while it is being loaded. When you check this option, you may see slight color distortion in the image.
Note: The way the image is compressed depends on your computer’s video card. Not all video cards support this feature. If you check this option but your computer’s video card does not support image compression, the request for compression will simply be ignored and the image will be loaded uncompressed.
Image Position Table Lets you position the background layer with respect to your drawing. X/Y Image displays the size of the image you are using for a background and sets its position with respect to the origin of your drawing. You cannot change this data. X/Y Drawing displays where the corners of the image your are using will be positioned relative to your drawing. By default, no scaling is used. However, you can scale the image you are using by setting different locations for the corners of the image you are importing. The locations you set are relative to the origin of your SewerGEMS drawing.

You can also use BMP and JPG image files.