SewerGEMS 2024 Help

Aquifers Dialog Box

Aquifers are sub-surface groundwater areas used to model the vertical movement of water infiltrating from the subcatchments which lie above them. They also permit the infiltration of groundwater into the conveyance system, or exfiltration of surface water from the conveyance system, depending on the hydraulic gradient that exists.

Access this dialog box by selecting Components > SWMM Extensions > Aquifers.

This dialog box contains a toolbar, a list pane on the left that displays all of the aquifers that have been defined in the current model, and the attribute fields on the right that permit the values to be defined for the aquifer that is currently highlighted in the list pane. The toolbar contains the following buttons:

New Creates a new entry in the Aquifer List Pane.
Delete Deletes the entry that is currently highlighted in the Aquifer List Pane.
Rename Lets you rename the entry that is currently highlighted in the Aquifer List Pane.
Report Lets you generate a preformatted report that contains the input data associated with the entry that is currently highlighted in the Aquifer List Pane.

The attribute fields along the right side of the dialog box include:

Porosity Lets you define the volume of voids / total soil volume for the currently highlighted aquifer.
Wilting Point Lets you define soil moisture content at which plants cannot survive for the currently highlighted aquifer.
Field Capacity Lets you define soil moisture content after all free water has drained off for the currently highlighted aquifer.
Aquifer Conductivity Lets you define the soil's saturated hydraulic conductivity for the currently highlighted aquifer.
Conductivity Slope Lets you define the slope of conductivity vs. soil moisture content curve for the currently highlighted aquifer.
Tension Slope Lets you define the slope of soil tension vs. soil moisture content curve for the currently highlighted aquifer.
Upper Evaporation Fraction Lets you define the fraction of total evaporation available for evapotranspiration in the upper unsaturated zone for the currently highlighted aquifer.
Lower Evaporation Depth Lets you define the maximum depth into the lower saturated zone over which evapotranspiration can occur for the currently highlighted aquifer.
Lower Groundwater Loss Rate Lets you define the rate of percolation from the saturated zone to deep groundwater when water table is at ground surface for the currently highlighted aquifer.
Elevation (Bottom) Lets you define the elevation of the bottom of the aquifer for the currently highlighted aquifer.
Water Table Elevation Lets you define the elevation of the water table in the aquifer at the start of the simulation for the currently highlighted aquifer.
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Lets you define the moisture content of the unsaturated upper zone of the aquifer at the start of the simulation for the currently highlighted aquifer.