SewerCAD 2024 Help

Step 2: Bentley Wastewater Data Source

This step allows you to specify the data source and geometry file that contains the Bentley Wastewater data to be imported.

The step consists of the following controls:

Select A Data Source Type—This control consists of two pulldown menus. The value selected in the first pulldown menu will determine the choices available in the second menu. For most of the Data Source Types, only one option will be available in the second menu. When the OLEDB data source type is chosen, the second menu will contain a number of OLEDB database types.

Select Data Source—This control allows you to choose the data source of the type selected in the Select A Data Source Type menus. Click the Browse button to bring up an Open dialog that will allow you to specify the data source.

Select Geometry Data File—This control allows you to choose the .dat file that contains the Bentley Wastewater geometry data. Click the Browse button to bring up an Open dialog that will allow you to specify the data file.

Note: The Select Geometry Data File field is optional. If the user wishes to import pipe geometry data which contains the pipe vertices (bends) into the model, then this field should point to the data file that can be created during the export pipe geometry data process. However, if the user chooses not to import geometry data, this field can be left blank and the pipes will be imported without any bends associated with them.

Update only the elements specified in the geometry data file—When this box is checked, only data for those elements contained within the specified geometry data file will be imported. This option allows you to import just a subset of the original Bentley Wastewater model.