SewerCAD 2024 Help

Methods for Entering Loads

There are several methods for entering loads into SewerCAD . In general, most of the methods described can be applied to any node type element (i.e. manhole, cross section, catch basin, pond, pressure junction but not outfall). Some such as stormwater loading must be applied to catchments and conduit infiltration can only be applied to conduits. They are summarized below and described in more detail later in this chapter.

Inflow consists of data which may be:

  • In general, the hydrograph input is used for wet weather events while pattern loads are used for sanitary flows which repeat from one day to the next. For more information, see "Inflows"-437.
  • Sanitary loading consists of data which may be
  • Sanitary loads are generally used to describe dry weather contribution to flow from domestic, commercial and industrial customers. For more information, see "Sanitary (Dry Weather) Flow Collections"-456.
  • Load Builder consists of using the LoadBuilder model to place loads on nodes using ArcGIS functions. Unlike the methods above which are applicable when the loads are already known for each node, LoadBuilder is used when the loading data is not yet associated with individual nodes. For example, the data can be in the form of:
  • For more information, see "LoadBuilder"-459.
  • Rainfall Derived Infiltration and Inflow in Sanitary Systems (RDII) lets you load sanitary systems with I/I flow based on flow monitoring data. This usually involves entering a precipitation event and comparing the predicted catchment outflow with the model results. You can adjust the catchment parameters to match the observed outflow using generic unit hydrographs or RTK method. For more information, see "Rainfall Derived Infiltration and Inflow (RDII)"-460.
  • Stormwater flow can be used to model inflow into a collection system based on rainfall events and any number of hydrologic models including:
  • Losses (i.e. precipitation not entering runoff) can be modeled using several methods including:
  • These methods can be used for modeling stormwater collection systems and combined sewer systems but not sanitary systems because they do not account for the defects which allow wet weather flow to enter sanitary systems. These methods can only be applied to catchment elements, not other node elements. For more information, see "Stormwater Flow"-460.
  • Conduit infiltration can be used to model infiltration into pipes along the length of the pipe. This can be specified as:
  • For more information, see "Pipeline Infiltration"-518.


In general:

  • Dry weather load can be entered using Inflow, Sanitary Loading and LoadBuilder.
  • Wet weather flow in sanitary systems can be entered using inflow, RDII or conduit infiltration.
  • Wet weather flow in stormwater and combined systems can be entered using Inflow, Stormwater flow or Conduit infiltration.