SewerCAD 2024 Help

File Menu

The File menu contains the following commands:

New Creates a new model. When you select this command, a new untitled model is created.
Open Opens an existing model. When you select this command, the Open dialog box appears, allowing you to browse to the model to be opened.
Close Closes the current model without exiting the program.
Close All Closes all currently open models.
Save Saves the current model.
Save As Saves the current model under a new model name and/or to a different directory location.
Save All Saves all currently open models.
Update Server Copy Updates the ModelWise server copy of the current model.
Import Opens a submenu containing the following commands: SWMM v5 —Opens a Windows Browse dialog box, allowing you to choose the SWMM v5 file to import. LandXML —Lets you import a LandXML file. SewerGEMS Database —Lets you import a SewerGEMS V8 model database file. Submodels —Lets you import a submodel. Bentley Wastewater —Lets you import a model .mdb and geometry data file (.dat) that was previously exported from Bentley Wastewater application. InRoads —Lets you import InRoads drainage database files. MX Drainage—Lets you import MX Drainage database files.
Export Opens a submenu containing the following commands: DXF —Lets you export the current network layout as a DXF drawing. Submodels —Lets you export the currently selected portion of the model as a submodel. SWMM v5 —Lets you export the current model to SWMM format. LandXML —Lets you export the current model to LandXML format. InRoads —Lets you export the current model to InRoads format. Publish i-model —Lets you publish the current model as an i-model. Publish Map Mobile i-model—Opens the Publish to Map Mobile i-model dialog. Export to Excel—Opens the Export to Excel dialog.
Seed Seed files allow you to save model settings and data as a template (the seed file has an .cds extension). You can then reuse these settings/data while creating new models using the data from the previously saved seed file. Selecting the Seed command opens a submenu containing the following commands: New from Seed: Allows you to create a new model using the previously saved seed file you specify. Save to Seed: Saves the current model settings and data as a seed file for reuse in future models. See "Using Seed Files" for more information.
Page Setup Defines the print settings that will be used when the current view is printed.
Print Preview Opens a submenu containing the following commands: Fit to Page - The view will be zoomed in or out so that the current view fits to a single page of the default page size. Scaled - The view will be scaled so that it matches the user-defined drawing scale (this is defined on the Drawing Tab of the Options dialog: Tools > Options).
Print Prints the current view.
Hydraulic Model Properties Opens the Hydraulic Model Properties dialog.
Recent Files When the Recent Files Visible option is selected in the Options dialog box, the most recently opened files will appear in the File menu. See "Options Dialog Box - Global Tab" for more information.
Exit Closes the program.