SewerCAD 2024 Help

Editing Background Layers

You can edit a background layer in two ways: you can edit its properties or its position in a list of background layers displayed in the Background Layers Manager.

To edit the properties of a background layer:

  1. Select the background layer you want to edit.
  2. Click the Edit button. A Properties dialog box opens.

To change the position of a background layer in the list of background layers:

The order of a background layer determines its Z level and what displays if you use more than one background layer. Background layers at the top of the list display on top of the other background layers in the drawing pane; so, background layers that are lower than the top one in the list might be hidden or partially hidden by layers above them in the list.

Select the background layer whose position you want to change in the list of Background Layers Manager, then click the Shift Up or Shift Down buttons to move the selected background layer up or down in the list.

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