SewerCAD 2024 Help

Types of Loads

Within each of the loading methods available in SewerCAD , there are several ways to enter (add) data. For example, under the method Inflow for loading the model, there are three types of inflow - fixed, hydrograph and pattern load. These loading types may be used by several methods. For example, pattern loading is used by the Inflow, Sanitary and Pipeline Infiltration methods. The dialogs for each of these types are the same regardless of the method being used.

The following table illustrates which types of loads are available in each method.

Types of Loads

Method Fixed Hydrograph Pattern Load Unit Load Unit Hydrograph RTK Method Modified Rational SWMM SCS
Inflow X X X            
Sanitary Load X X X X          
LoadBuilder *                  
RDII Inflow         X X      
Stormwater         X   X X X
Conduit infiltration * X X X            

*Conduit infiltrations uses fixed flows on a per length or area basis.