SewerCAD 2024 Help

Walls Tab

Use the Walls tab to set and format the edges of your graph. The Walls tab contains the following subtabs:

Left/Right/Back/Bottom Tabs

Use the Left, Right, Back, and Bottom tabs to select the walls that you want to edit. You might have to turn off the axes lines to see the effects (see "Axes Tab" ) for the back wall and turn on 3D display to see the effects for the left, right, and bottom walls (see "3D Tab" ).

The Left, Right, Back, and Bottom tabs contain the following controls:

Color The Color Editor opens, see "Color Editor Dialog Box" .
Border The Border Editor opens, see "Border Editor Dialog Box" .
Pattern The Hatch Brush Editor opens, see "Hatch Brush Editor Dialog Box" .
Gradient Lets you set a color gradient for your walls. The Gradient Editor opens, see "Gradient Editor Dialog Box" .
Visible Lets you display the walls you set up.
Dark 3D Lets you automatically darken the depth dimension for visual effect. Select a Size 3D larger than 0 to enable this check box.
Size 3D Lets you increase the size of the wall in the direction perpendicular to it’s length (the graph resizes automatically as a result).
Transparent Lets you set transparency for your background, where 100 is completely transparent and 0 is completely opaque.