SewerCAD 2024 Help

Terrain Model Settings Dialog

This dialog allows you to select the source terrain model file and the source file units, as well as to define a boundary line color and weight.

Source Type The type of source terrain model to use.
Terrain Model Source The directory location of the terrain model source.
Source Unit The unit used by the terrain model source.
Boundary Setting Color The selected color of the boundary line of the terrain model. The default color is red.
Width The width of the boundary line of the terrain model. The default value is 1.
Show Contour Lines When this box is checked, contour lines are shown in the drawing view.
Minor Interval The terrain model elevation difference between 2 adjacent minor lines. Default value is 2 ft for English unit system and 1 meter for SI unit system.
Minor Interval Color The selected color for minor lines. The default color is blue.
Lines per Major Interval The ratio of major line interval to minor line interval. The user input value is converted to an integer when showing contour lines. The default value is 5.
Major Interval Major interval is calculated from Minor interval and number of lines per major interval and it is read-only.
Major Interval Color The selected color for major lines. The default color is red.
Show Triangles Check this box to display the terrain model triangles.
Show Triangles Color Select the color of the displayed triangle lines. The default color is gray.

Terrain model management supports 6 terrain model source types: Bentley Terrain Model File, Bentley DGN Terrain Model, LandXML Terrain Model, DXF Point File, DXF Contours File, and Esri Shapefile.

Bentley Terrain Model File Type

If the terrain model source type is set to Bentley DTM File, you can select one of 3 different types of terrain model files: GEOPAK terrain model file (.tin), InRoads terrain model file (.dtm) and MX terrain model file (.fil).

  • GEOPAK terrain model file (.tin): GEOPAK terrain model file (.tin) can be used in both Standalone and MicroStation Storm\Sewer applications. It can be used in both 64 bit build and 32 bit application.
  • InRoads terrain Model file (.dtm): InRoads terrain model file (.dtm) can only be used in MicroStation platform Storm\Sewer applications. It can be used in both 64 bit and 32 bit MicroStation applications.
  • MX terrain model file (.fil): MX terrain model file (.fil) can only be used in 32 bit build application. It can be used in both Standalone and MicroStation 32 bit build applications. There may be multiple terrain models in an MX terrain model file. Select one terrain model from the multiple terrain models in the file in the “Multiple DTMs” dialog that appears.

Bentley DGN Terrain Model Type

If the terrain model source type is set to Bentley DGN, the terrain model can only be used in MicroStation platform. If there are multiple native terrain models in MicroStation, select one terrain model from the multiple terrain models in the file in the “Multiple DTMs” dialog that appears.

If the MicroStation model references another dgn file, the terrain models in the referenced dgn file are also available when picking a terrain model in MicroStation to create a terrain model in SewerCAD .

LandXML Terrain Model File

If the terrain model source type is set to LandXML Terrain Model File, you can select a LandXML file with the extension .xml and use it as the Terrain Model Source.

If there are multiple terrain surfaces in a LandXML file, only the first one will be used to create the terrain model.

DXF Point File

If the terrain model source type is set to DXF Point File type, the user can browse a DXF Point file with extension .dxf or .dwg and uses the points in the file as the data source to build terrain model.

DXF Contours File

If the terrain model source type is set to DXF Contours File type, the user can browse a DXF Contours file with extension .dxf or .dwg and uses the contour lines in the file as the data source to build terrain model.

Esri Shapefile

If the terrain model source type is set to Esri Shapefile type, the user can browse a shapefile with extension .shp and uses the points, polylines or polygons in the file as the data source to build terrain model.