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Advantages of the i-model

The i-model combines all the graphics and business data intelligence, as defined by the design application, into a single deliverable container for distribution. Because an i-model optimizes the business data, the result is decreased file size and easier navigation. An i-model contains links back to the original source data from which the i-model was derived, facilitating the life cycle review workflow. An i-model is always saved with an .i.dgn extension.

An i-model does not require any special application to open and use the .i.dgn file. Any V8i (SELECTseries 1) or later edition application that supports a DGN file can open an i-model. It is a read-only file, which prevents any corruption to the source file and it keeps the information secure. An i-model shows the design at a certain state, which makes it useful for version control and iterative workflows. The i-model is designed for information reuse; it can be published into standard formats like PDF and XML.