Bentley Raceway and Cable Management CONNECT Edition Help

To Assign Raceway IDs

The Raceway IDs function enables you to assign IDs to raceways.
  1. Select Raceway IDs from the Raceway ribbon.
  2. Use the right mouse button and select the Add multiple segments (routing) option.
  3. Optional: To filter the display of raceways in the drawing, click in the Routing Filter field and select an option from the dialog:.
  4. Use the mouse to select the Start point and End point of a raceway run. This will include all of the segments within the run.
  5. Change macro to CT-LV- ($.0.n) and click the Apply button next to macro to apply the change.
  6. Click the Apply button at the top to apply the series of IDs. Each individual ID can be modified before it is applied.
  7. Press OK to complete the command. Raceway IDs can now be seen in the drawing for each raceway segment.
  8. Notice that each section has unique RW ID, If the Add One segment (routing) option was selected, all selected raceway would have the same ID.
    Note: The other options, Add One Segment (selection) and Add Multiple Segments (selection), require the user to make a selection of each individual raceway segment.