Bentley Raceway and Cable Management CONNECT Edition Help

Publishing a DgnDb or BIM iModel

The Bentley DgnDb iModel Importer converts DGN V8-format packaged i-models (.i.dgn) into the compressed DgnDb-format or BIM-format (.imodel) iModels. The .imodel is compact and optimized for mobile apps, that may contain business data and embedded documents. By default, iModels (.imodel) are created next to the Package i-model location. Bentley Raceway and Cable Management includes Bentley DgnDb iModel Importers to publish .imodel files of 1.6.x and 2.x versions. Bentley Navigator CONNECT Edition versions up to Update 3 support i-model version 1.6. Whereas, Bentley Navigator CONNECT Edition 10.2 and later supports both 1.6 and 2.0 versions. The following table lists the support of different i-model versions:
i-model version Supported Extensions Publishing Application
1.0 .i.dgn
1.5 .imodel .imodel file produced by Bentley Raceway and Cable Management, MobilePublisher, and others.
1.6 .imodel .imodel file produced by Bentley Raceway and Cable Management, MobilePublisher, and others.
2.0 .imodel .imodel file produced by Bentley Raceway and Cable Management and others.
Note: The DgnDb iModel (.imodel) does not support lights.