Bentley Navigator

Real Time Collaboration

Bentley Navigator CONNECT Edition allows you to collaborate with another Bentley Navigator user in real time, for more efficient navigation and issue resolution.
Note: The Real Time Collaboration tool is only available in CONNECT projects, and you can only collaborate with users who have been added to the project from the CONNECT Portal. For more info, please contact your administrator.

Using Real Time Collaboration

To use Real Time Collaboration, select the Real Time Collaboration tool from the Task-based Tools zone in the upper left. The Real Time Collaboration dialog displays, where you can select the user with whom you want to collaborate. You can find users by searching or by selecting from the Recent list. When you have found the user, select Start Session and the real time collaboration tab opens in the Content Details zone in the lower left.

The User Request dialog box displays on the other user's screen. The other user can reject your real time collaboration request by selecting Reject, or the other user can accept your real time collaboration request by selecting Accept.

If the other user selects Accept, your real time collaboration tab displays the message "Collaboration request accepted," and the other user's screen displays the real time collaboration tab in the Content Details zone in the lower left. To chat with the user, type your message and press Enter. Messages display in the real time collaboration tab using a standard messaging interface. Your messages display on the right of the tab and the other user's messages display on the left of the tab.

Note: This image displays a desktop user collaborating with a mobile user. In this image, the desktop user's screen is on the left, and the mobile user's screen is on the right.

Syncing Views

To sync views, select the Sync Views icon from the top right of the real time collaboration tab. A View sync request is sent to the other user and the Sync Views icon changes to the icon. When you send a view sync request, the View Sync dialog box displays on the other user's screen.

If the other user selects OK, your views are synced and your real time collaboration tab displays the message, "View sync request accepted." The other user's real time collaboration tab displays the message, "Your navigator View is being controlled by [Your Name]." Now, when you change the view or make a selection, these changes will display on the other user's view as well. To unsync views, either user can select the icon. Your view and the other user's view will be independent again.