Bentley Map V8i (SELECTseries 10)

Cadastral Mapping Configuration

The Bentley Map V8i (SELECTseries 10) "Cadastral Mapping Configuration" (A) capabilities add the ability to easily create, maintain and analyze land information. These capabilities can be used to address any type of land management requirement, including parcel management and taxation, agricultural land management as well as easement and right-of-way maintenance. The key features are described as follows:

  • Cadastre Tools: The cadastre tools are used for creating and manipulating parcels, including split and merge operations.
  • Schema Wizard: The schema wizard lets you create or edit schemas that are compatible with topology requirements. Example schemas are provided with over 1,000 customizable feature classes including those for cadastre, topography, base map, hypsography, buildings and more.
  • COGO Editor: The COGO Editor provides a fast and accurate means of creating parcel maps from boundary descriptions recorded in official property deeds. Precision coordinate geometry input from metes and bounds, bearing/distance, XY delta, ASCII XYZ or LandXML survey import is supported. During input, all persistent topology layers are automatically updated.
  • LandXML Import / Export: CGPoints and parcels can be imported/exported from/to a LandXML schema.
  • Persistent Topology: During edit operations, the persistent topology engine automatically updates nodes, edges and faces of the topological model.
  • Multiple Topology Layer Support: Users can define multiple topology layers within their XFM schema. Topology layers may participate in other layer(s). The schema wizard will allow the definition of multiple layers and persistent topology layer configuration in a single execution. New topology layers may be added to the schema at any time.

(A) Not available in all Bentley Map product editions. Please refer to the "Product Editions" section for additional information.