Bentley HAMMER CONNECT Edition Help

Selection By Query Dialog Box

The Selection by Query dialog box is used to create selection sets from available queries. The dialog box contains the following controls:

Available Queries: Contains all the queries that are available for your selection set. The Available Columns list is located on the left side of the dialog box.

Selected Queries: Contains queries that are part of the selection set. To add queries to the Selected Queries list, select one or more queries in the Available Queries list, then click the Add button [>].

Query Manipulation Buttons: Select or clear queries to be used in the selection set:
  • [ > ] Adds the selected items from the Available Queries list to the Selected Queries list.
  • [ >> ] Adds all of the items in the Available Queries list to the Selected Queries list.
  • [ < ] Removes the selected items from the Selected Queries list.
  • [ << ] Removes all items from the Selected Queries list.
Note: You can select multiple queries in the Available Queries list by holding down the Shift key or the Control key while clicking with the mouse. Holding down the Shift key provides group selection behavior. Holding down the Control key provides single element selection behavior.