Bentley Fiber

Strand Symbols

Ground, Down Guy, Anchor, Over Head Guy & Arrow

Add Strand Symbols

  1. From the Strand Module menu, select Anch > (one of the strand symbols).
  2. Select a pole or pedestal on the map.


The Rotate command rotates a strand symbol.

Rotate Strand Symbols

  1. From the Strand Module menu, select Anch > Rotate.
  2. Select a pole or pedestal on the map.
  3. Move the cursor to rotate the symbol.

Pole Flag

The Pole Flag command adds a temporary placement markers for placing multiple poles or peds between two points. Once the flags are placed, use the strand command while using the flags as your reference for each pole placement.

Place a Pole Flag

  1. From the Strand Module menu, select Anch > Pole Flag.
  2. Press Data to place random pole flags or Reset to key in and place flags using scaled distances.
  3. Press Reset.
  4. Select the first point to measure along the road for flag placement.
  5. Select the next point to measure and press Reset to enter distances between poles or peds. After distances are entered, press Reset to place flags. Delete the flags when completed.


The Review command reviews element information that has been placed into the database.

Review an Element

  1. From the Strand Module menu, select Edit > Review.

  2. Identify the element to be reviewed.
  3. The Review dialog box opens and displays the current information of the selected element.

    Note: Selecting Show or Edit opens the document attachment dialog box.
    Note: Selecting More opens the custom attribute dialog box of the building (only available if created initially in the database).


The Change command changes an address, house count, pole or ped data, and strand length. The Fiber and RF Design modules are alerted when house count, pole or ped type and strand distance are changed.

Change and Address

  1. From the Strand Module menu, select Edit > Change.

  2. Select an address.
  3. The Address Change dialog box opens and displays the current information of the selected address.

  4. Select the appropriate field and modify as necessary. Select the appropriate Post check box if the User Field information is to post on the map.
  5. Click Change in the Address Change dialog box to save the modification in the database, or Cancel to exit without saving.
    Note: Current, Whole or Each offer different way to process address change.
    • Current: Only works on the selected address or apartment number.
    • Whole: Only works with apartment numbers. Changes all of the apartment numbers linked with the pole or ped.
    • Each: Only works with apartment numbers. Changes individual apartment numbers and provides the option to select the Next or Previous buttons to continue changing the numbers as indicated.

Change the Address House Count Link

  1. From the Address Change dialog box, click Select House Count.
  2. Select the house count on the map to link to the address.

Change House Count

  1. From the Strand Module menu, select Edit > Change.
  2. Select a House Count.
  3. The House Count Change dialog box opens and displays the current information of the selected house count.

  4. Select the appropriate field and modify as necessary.
  5. Click Change to save the modification in the database, or Cancel to exit without saving.

Change the Pole Link Information

  1. From the House Count Change dialog box, click Select.
  2. Select the pole on the map that is linked to this house count.
    Note: The Pole_Link should only be changed after reviewing and checking that elements are to be linked.

Change Strand Length

  1. From the Strand dialog box, click the Change button.
  2. Select a strand on the map.
  3. The Strand Length Change dialog box opens and displays the current information of the selected strand.

  4. Modify the Length, Location, and User fields as necessary.
  5. Click Calculate to retrieve the calculated strand length from the map.
  6. Select the appropriate Post check box if the User Field information is to post on the map.
  7. Click Change to save the modification in the database, or Cancel to exit without saving.

Change a Pole or Pedestal

  1. From the Strand Module menu, select Edit > Change.
  2. Select a pole or pedestal.
  3. The Pole Ped Change dialog box opens and displays the current information of the selected pole/ped.

  4. Select the appropriate field and modify as necessary. Select the appropriate Post check box if the User Field information is to post on the map.
  5. The GPS Locator will be available if a GPS device is available and active on the computer. Click the GPS button to record the LAT/LON coordinates. You must have the GPS at the Pole/Pedestal location to record the accurate coordinates.
    Note: If a GPS device is not detected the function is greyed out.
  6. Click Change to save the modification in the database, or Cancel to exit without saving.


The Link command continues drawing strand from an existing pole or ped.

Draw Strand from an Existing Pole/Ped

  1. From the Strand Module menu, select Edit > Link.

  2. Select and accept the pole or pedestal from where the strand is drawn.
  3. Key in a distance and follow the strand prompts.


The Connect command connects and draws a strand line between two poles on the active file or across to a reference file.

Connect Two Poles:

  1. From the Strand dialog box, click the Connect button.

  2. Select and accept the first pole to be connected.
  3. The Strand Length dialog box opens.
  4. Key in a distance and select the next pole to which the connection is being made.
  5. The Strand Element dialog box opens.

  6. Choose a line type and press Enter.
  7. Place the length text if poles are on the same map.

Connect to a Pole or Pedestal on a Reference Map

In DGN persistence mode, when connecting to a pole or ped on a reference map, a match line needs to be created. The match line must be a line element not a shape element for the command to work.

  1. From the Strand Module menu, click the Connect button.
  2. Select and accept the first pole to be connected.
  3. The Strand Length dialog box opens.
  4. Key in a distance and select on the reference map the next pole to which the connection is being made.
  5. The Strand Element dialog box opens.
  6. Choose a line type and press Enter.
  7. Select the match line (between the active and reference file) or press Reset to create a new match line by using two data points.
  8. Determine which map (active or reference) is associated with the length text.

  9. Click OK to confirm.
  10. Place the length text on the reference map.


Move allows you to relocate any facilities with its associated information and strand feature graphics.

Move a Pole or a Pedestal

  1. From the Strand Module menu, select Edit > Move.

  2. Identify the pole or pedestal to be moved.
  3. Place fence shape (reset to close fence).
  4. The Fence Move dialog box opens.

  5. Define an origin within the fence.
  6. Define the distance to be moved by moving the cursor or key in a distance.
  7. Click Update to save the new coordinates to the database. Click Undo to cancel the move.

Reposition Text

  1. Identify the text instead of a pole or ped. The text is on the cursor.
  2. Move the text to its new position and confirm by clicking the left mouse button.


The delete command deletes any selected element and removes the information from the database. When deleting a strand line, the distance text is also deleted.

Delete a Strand Device

  1. From the Strand Module menu, select Edit > Delete.

  2. Select a strand device on the map
  3. The selected device is deleted from the database.