Bentley Fiber

Manual (Splice Enclosures)

The Manual command creates fiber connectivity between fiber sheaths and buffers. Splice trays can be added in holder locations within the splice enclosures and splitter/MUX devices can be added to splice trays or placed freely within the enclosure. Fiber entry ports can also be assigned to sheaths entering and exiting the splice enclosure.

Connect Fibers Manually

  1. From the Bentley Fiber menu, select Connection > Manual.

  2. Select a fiber splice enclosure feature on the fiber route for editing.
  3. The Cross Sections Connections dialog box opens.

  4. In the upper left and upper right corners of the Cross Sections Connections dialog, choose the sheaths that house the fibers to be modified.
    Note: The colors Red and Green (seen above the sheath name drop down on the left and right side of the dialog) lets the user know which sheaths they are connecting and in what direction they are connecting in the Microstation view window.
  5. Expand the buffers from both sheaths to view the fibers in each sheath.

  6. Select the fibers to be connected from each side of the Cross Sections Connections dialog box.
    Note: If connecting multiple fibers to multiple fibers, use the Windows Ctrl or Shift key functionality to multi select groups of fibers. Entire buffers can also be selected and connected in the same fashion by highlighting buffers in this same manner.
    Note: An equal amount of connectable fibers must be selected from each sheath in order to create connections.
  7. From the bottom of the Cross Sections Connections dialog box, choose the splice type to be applied to the chosen fiber connections.
  8. From the bottom of the Cross Sections Connections dialog box, choose the splice status to be applied from the Connect drop down to the chosen fiber connections.
    Note: Splice types and their default losses are user defined in the Comms schema. Fusion is the most common but others can be created. The available connection type “Continuous” is applied to fibers to create connectivity between fibers that pass uncut through a splice enclosure, cabinet, or other fiber device feature.
  9. In the empty space located in the center window of the Cross Sections Connections dialog box where the splice name is located, right click and choose Create Connection.

  10. The fibers will appear connected in the center window of the Cross Sections Connections dialog box.
  11. Select OK in the lower right hand side of the Cross Sections Connections dialog box to apply changes and close the dialog.

Add Fiber Trays to a Splice Enclosure Feature

Note: In order to add trays to a splice enclosure feature, the splice enclosure model must first be defined with available tray holders in the Bentley Fiber resource file. See the Setup section of the Fiber User Guide for setup procedures.
  1. In the center window of the Cross Sections Connections dialog box, expand the available holder locations for this splice enclosure model by selecting the + to the left of the splice enclosure name.
  2. The available holder locations within the splice enclosure are now displayed.

  3. Select the first available holder location right click, and choose: Add Tray.

  4. The Add tray dialog box appears.

  5. In the Add Tray dialog box, select the tray model you wish to populate and number of trays you wish to add to this splice enclosure then select OK.
  6. The holder locations are now populated with trays.

  7. Select OK in the lower right hand side of the Cross Sections Connections dialog box to apply changes and close the dialog.
    Note: Instructions for the creation of fiber trays are detailed in the Fiber/Copper/ISP Setup>OSP>Trays section of the Bentley Fiber User Guide.

Connect Fibers Manually (With Tray Allocation)

  1. In the Cross Sections Connections dialog box, choose two sheaths you wish to connect between.
  2. From each sheath, select a fiber to connect.
  3. Choose the fusion connection type for the connection from the bottom of the Cross Sections Connections dialog box.
  4. In the center window of the Cross Sections Connections dialog box, expand a splice tray location and choose a numbered slot to hold the new fusion splice.
  5. Right click the chosen slot location and select Create Connection.

  6. The connection now appears in the slot location.

  7. Select OK in the lower right hand side of the Cross Sections Connections dialog box to apply changes and close the dialog.
    Note: Multiple connections can be added to a tray location by selecting a group of fibers or an entire buffer, selecting the first slot location within a tray, and choosing Create Connection.

Create Connections with Logical Fiber Numbering

Logical fiber numbers can be applied and rippled throughout the fiber network with tools in Bentley Fiber. This procedure describes how logical number ID's can be used when making splice connections.

  1. Select Connections > Manual from the Bentley Fiber tool bar and then choose an existing splice enclosure with available fibers to connect.
  2. If the sheaths being reviewed have been assigned a logical numbered range, you will see Logical IDs as an option in the lower left hand corner of the dialog.

  3. Choose the fibers to be connected from the chosen sheaths and their slot location (if connecting into trays).
  4. Choose the option for rippling from the Logical IDs drop down for the connection(s) being made.

  5. Choose a connection status for the new connection(s) being made from the Connect drop down.
  6. Right click in the center view window of the Cross Sections Connections dialog in the location where the new splice will reside and choose Create Connection.

Adding Splitter/MUX Device to Splice Enclosure (No Tray Allocation)

  1. In the center window of the Cross Sections Connections dialog box, right click in an empty area beneath the splice enclosure name and choose Add Splitter.

  2. The Add Splitter dialog box appears.

  3. Populate the ID for the splitter, Model, Owner, Lessee and any Comment information you may wish to add and then select OK to place the new splitter in the enclosure.

  4. Select OK in the lower right hand side of the Cross Sections Connections dialog box to apply changes and close the dialog.
    Note: Instructions for the creation of splitter/MUX devices are detailed in the Fiber/Copper/ISP Setup > OSP > Splitters section of the Bentley Fiber User Guide.

Adding Splitter/MUX Device to Splice Enclosure (With Tray Allocation)

  1. In the center window of the Cross Sections Connections dialog box, expand an existing tray and choose a slot location to associate with the common port on the splitter/MUX device to be placed.
  2. Right click on the chosen slot location and select Add Splitter.

  3. The Add Splitter dialog box appears.

  4. Populate the ID for the splitter, Model, Owner, Lessee and any Comment information you may wish to add and then select OK to place the new splitter in the enclosure at the chosen tray/slot location.

  5. Select OK in the lower right hand side of the Cross Sections Connections dialog box to apply changes and close the dialog.
    Note: The splitter/MUX device, when added to a tray location, will occupy the same number of slots as output ports on the device.

Create Connections on a Splitter/MUX Device

  1. In the center window of the Cross Sections Connections dialog box, expand an existing splitter/MUX device to be connected.
  2. Select the sheath containing the fibers(s) you wish to connect from either side of the Cross sections Connections dialog box.
  3. Select the fiber to be used for the common port connection on the splitter/MUX device, then choose the Common port on the splitter/MUX device you wish to connect.
  4. Right click and choose Create Connection.

  5. The connection has now been created and is visible.

  6. Use the same process to create connections to all other ports on the splitter/MUX device.
  7. Select OK in the lower right hand side of the Cross Sections Connections dialog box to apply changes and close the dialog.
    Note: Connections on the splitter/MUX device can be buffer to buffer, buffer to multiple buffers or to fibers within the same buffer.

Drag and Drop Existing Spliced Connections to Tray Locations

  1. In the center window of the Cross Sections Connections dialog box, select a fiber or group of fibers not allocated to tray/slot locations to receive tray/slot assignment.
    Note: Use Ctrl or Shift Windows keyboard functionality to select multiple fibers at once.
  2. Expand a tray with empty slot locations.
  3. Drag and drop the fiber(s) to the starting slot location you wish to populate and release.
  4. You will see the fiber(s) reside in their new tray/slot locations.
  5. Select OK in the lower right hand side of the Cross Sections Connections dialog box to apply changes and close the dialog.