Bentley Fiber


The BOM command generates a list of duct material for billing purposes.

Generate a BOM

  1. From the Duct Module menu, select Reports > BOM.

  2. The Search Type dialog box opens.

  3. Choose the Search Type (By Shape, By Fence, Entire File or Entire Project), and click Process. The BOM report is generated based on the search type selected.
    • Entire File: Generate a Duct BOM Report for the entire file.
    • By Shape: Generate a Duct BOM Report for duct elements found within a specified polygon.
    • By Fence: Generate a Duct BOM Report for duct elements found within a fence.
    • Entire Project: Generate a Duct BOM Report for all files within the current project.
  4. The Duct BOM Report window opens.

  5. From the Duct BOM Report dialog box, select Output > Text File to generate a text report. The report is named DuctBOM.txt and saved in the rpt folder.