Bentley Fiber

Node Connectivity

Depending on the mode in which it is run, this command can be used to generate a report listing Fiber Nodes, Node Internals, Coax Nodes, Optical System Names, Lengths of the OS in Feet and Kilometers, the Termination Point of the OS, and Homes Passed. The two modes in which this report can be generated are:
  1. Spatial Extents set to 'All (Fiber Only)'
  2. Spatial Extents set to 'Fence (Fiber and Coax)'

A) All (Fiber Only) Mode

On the Bentley Fiber Menu, select Reports > Node Connectivity.

This will display the Node Connectivity dialog where the Extents must be selected.

Setting the Spatial Extents to All (Fiber Only) will generate a report listing all the Fiber Node/Node Internals, any Optical System names that are found (if similar to the Fiber Node/Internal names), and the Length and Termination point of the Optical Systems within the extents of all of the features extracted. Also included is the location of the housecounts listed and the Cable Bearing strand totals.

The Coax Node column will never be populated in the 'All (Fiber Only)' mode. However, the Homes Passed field will be populated if there are taps in the database (i.e. posted) with a DSN_MAP name that matches the Fiber Node or Node Internal Name. (See illustration below.) In the example below, GB156 is a Fiber Node name that is also populated in the DSN_MAP field of a number of taps. In this case, the Homes Passed field is populated with the sum of the HSC_CNT field of the matching taps.

B) Fence (Fiber and Coax) Mode

On the Bentley Fiber Menu, select Reports > Node Connectivity.

This will display the Node Connectivity dialog where the Extents must be selected.

Setting the Spatial Extents to Fence(Fiber & Coax) will generate a report listing all the Fiber Nodes/Node Internals, Coax Nodes, any Optical System names that are found, and the Length and Termination point of the Optical Systems, that fall within the extents of the fence. Also included is the location of the housecounts listed and the Cable Bearing strand totals.

In the 'Fence (Fiber & Coax)' mode, the Coax Node column will be populated in the same row as the Fiber node, IF the Coax Node name matches the Fiber Node/Node Internal name. If Coax nodes are found by the report, and their names do NOT match a Fiber Node/Node Internal name, the Coax node will be listed on its own row in the report. (See illustration below). In the sample below, Coax Node ABC and FA-01 are examples of Coax nodes that do not match any Fiber Node/Node Internal names and appear on their own separate row in the report.

Note: In DGN persistence, the All (Fiber Only) and Fence (Fiber & Coax) modes will both perform as the All (Fiber Only) mode. The 'Fence' mode does the same as the 'All' mode, only within the Fence boundary.

To generate a report in CSV format from a Node Connectivity Report, simply right click on any cell in the report-a 'Save As' dialog will display and allow you to save the CSV report to any directory. When this report is generated, (Project RPT folder by default), there is a new column added to the report named 'Area'. This field is populated by the Report name (see illustration below).