Bentley Automation Service Help

Upgrading Older Job Definitions to Use Profiles

Bentley Automation Service V8i (SELECTseries 6) introduced the concept of using templates called destination profiles and naming profiles to determine where files created by a Bentley i-model Composition Server for i-models job are stored and how those files are named. Default profiles are provided, and you can also create your own.

Bentley i-model Composition Server for i-models jobs that were created in versions prior to Bentley Automation Service V8i (SELECTseries 6) can be run in the current version of Bentley Automation Service as is without having to edit the job definition. The old settings will be respected in their existing form. If you open a job definition from one of these older versions, your existing settings for storing and naming files are placed in something called a legacy profile, which is auto-generated for display purposes only and is not saved in the database. For example:

Existing destination settings will be placed in the appropriate legacy profile:

  • Legacy intermediate output destination folder
  • Legacy package output destination folder
  • Legacy i-model output destination folder

Existing naming settings will be placed in the appropriate legacy profile:

  • Legacy intermediate output file naming conventions
  • Legacy package output file naming conventions
  • Legacy i-model output file naming conventions

The description of a legacy profile will always read "Profile autogenerated from legacy job".

If you need to edit a Bentley i-model Composition Server for i-models job definition from one of these older versions for any reason, then at such time, and before you can save any changes, you must do one of the following with regard to your legacy profiles:

  1. Rename the legacy profiles (when you open the legacy profile for editing the Name field is initially empty).


  2. Create a new or select an existing profile to use instead of the legacy profile.