AssetWise System Management Console Help

Setting Up Audit Trail for a Community

Each community has its own audit trail, which contains a history of events that have been recorded for each object in the community. The specific object events that AssetWise actually records are configurable for each community through the Audit Trail node within a community in AssetWise System Management Console. Users in AssetWise Director or ALIM Web can view the event history for a particular object by opening the object and expanding the Audit Detail topic; in AssetWise Engineering Designer the same topic is labeled Audit Info.

When you select the Audit Trail node in AssetWise System Management Console, the content pane displays a list of object types for which audit trail events can be recorded. When you select an object type, the list below it displays a set of default logging options for that object type.

All default logging options for all object types are automatically enabled when the community is created. You can keep them enabled or turn them off as needed if you do not want to record a particular event for a particular object. Some default logging options are required, therefore they cannot be turned off. These options are in bold, and the Tracking Required column is set to Yes for that option. If this column is set to No, then the option can be turned off.

Many object types have additional logging options that are not displayed in the default list of logging options. To see the additional logging options for a particular object type, click the link that says Click to set detailed audit tracking. If the selected object type has additional logging options, a dialog opens with the options listed. All additional logging options are off by default. To enable a particular additional logging option, click the check box next to the option and click OK. If the selected object type does not have additional logging options, then clicking the link opens a message dialog informing you that there are no additional logging options for this object type.

If necessary you can purge (delete) records from the audit trail. You can either purge all event records related to a particular object type, or you can purge just the records of a specific event type for a particular object type. To purge all events for an object type, select the object type and click the Purge Audit Trail for Selection icon. To purge a specific event type, first select an object type, then right-click a logging option in the list below and select Purge Selection.

Some event records can never be purged from the audit trail. Look at the Purge Allowed column for a particular logging option to see if events of this type can be purged. If the column is set to Yes, then they can be purged, if set to No, then they cannot be purged, even if you select to purge all event records related to a particular object type.

Note: To be able to purge audit trail records, the user performing the purge must have the Audit, Purge permission (under Permissions > System Information) in the community.