AssetWise System Management Console Help

Configuring the Publishing Service

The Publishing Service (also referred to as Publisher) lets users either publish the contents of a folder to a single package, or publish a package from selected objects. The package format can be HTML, CHM, or XML.

To configure the service you must do the following:

  1. Install Publishing Service, which is an option of the AssetWise Information Integrity Server installer. This service is installed by default, and is listed as Publisher Service in the installer.
  2. (If publishing CHMs) Install Microsoft HTML Help Workshop on the same computer as Publishing Service. HTML Help Workshop is delivered with AssetWise if needed, and can be found in the ...\Support Files\Redistributables\MicrosoftHtmlHelpWorkshop\ folder of the download product package.

    After installation, the following message appears, "This computer already has a newer version of HTML Help", because the HTML Help Viewer components delivered with this installation were not installed because your operating system includes a more recent version of these components. Click OK. The HTML Help Workshop installation is successful, despite this message.

  3. Enable the Publishing Service for your community. See To Enable the Publishing Service for Your Community and Set the Publishing Directory.
  4. The Publishing Service expects to find HTML Help Workshop installed to its default location, which is C:\Program Files (x86)\HTML Help Workshop\hhc.exe.

By default, Publishing Service saves its packages to a local folder on the server.

The default root folder for any community is:

C:\Temp\Publisher\<Community_Name> , where <Community_Name> is the name of your community.

Each package is stored in a subfolder named for the user who created the package:

C:\Temp\Publisher\Community_Name\<Person_Code>, where <Person_Code> represents the Person Code.

You can change the default root folder in AssetWise System Management Console.

Note: Ensure that the publishing folder is shared to the appropriate AssetWise users so that they can access their published work.