AssetWise Implementation Guide

To Register ProjectWise Environment Attributes with AssetWise

Perform this task on each monitored datasource in which you want to map ProjectWise environment attributes.

  1. Open the Explore tab (View > Explore).
  2. Click the ProjectWise icon .
  3. Select the datasource containing the custom environment attributes you want to make available for mapping.
  4. In the Content pane, expand the ProjectWise DataSource Fields topic.

    This topic lists the custom environment attributes from this datasource that have been registered in this community.

  5. To add custom attribute to the list:
    1. Click the Browse button (...) in the Code field.

      The Select ProjectWise Attribute dialog opens.

    2. (Optional) Select an environment from the Environment list if you only want to see attributes from that environment.
    3. Select an attribute from the list and click OK.
      Tip: You can use Shift + click to select multiple attributes.
    4. Repeat these steps to add more custom attributes to the list.
    5. Save your changes when finished.

      Click the Save icon at the end of each row to save your changes individually, or click the Save icon in the action bar to save all of your changes at once.

    The selected custom ProjectWise attributes are now available to be mapped to AssetWise attributes.