AssetWise Director Help

Permissions List

The Permissions folder contains the following permission groups:

  • New Object Instances
  • Classes
  • Link Independent Objects
  • Maintain List Values
  • User Information
  • System Information

Permissions are dependent on scope. Users can have different permissions depending on which scopes they have access to. System permissions are allocated to individual persons or roles.

Expand any of these permission group subfolders to see the permissions in it.

New Object Instances

Note: The permissions for new objects are not required when a user creates the object from a template; only when creating the object without using a template.
Permission Description
Activity Type Set Lets you add a new activity type set.
Add New Revision or Version Users are allowed to revise the object (provided if they have modify permission on the revised object).
AttributeUnit Lets you add a new attribute unit.
Budget Lets you add a new budget.
Change Request Lets you add a new change request.
Condition Lets you add a new condition.
Contracts Lets you add a new contract.
Create Scheduled Instance Lets you add a scheduled instance.
Deviation / Waiver Lets you add a new deviation/waiver.
Dimension Lets you add a new dimension.
Distribution Order Lets you add a new distribution order.
Document Lets you add a new document.
Document Copy Lets you add a new document copy.
Note: This permission is required when files are added to the document, such as adding a file, the copy is created automatically.
Events Lets you add a new event.
Exception Override Group Lets you add a new exception override group.
Extended Search Lets you add a new extended search.
External Object Lets you add a new external object.
External System Lets you add a new external system.
File Plan Component Lets you add a new file plan component.
File Plan Disposition Instruction Lets you add a new file plan disposition instruction/rule.
File Plan Disposition Order Lets you add a new disposition order.
Form Lets you add a new form.
Form Collection Lets you add a new form collection.
Form Style Lets you add a new form style.
Identity Mapping Lets you create persons in AssetWise based on Bentley Cloud Services users.
Identity Mapping Definition Lets you create an identity mapping definition in AssetWise System Management Console, which is required to create persons in AssetWise based on Bentley Cloud Services users.
Identity Provider Not currently used; intended for future use.
Interactive Report Lets you add a new interactive report.
Kind of Quantity Lets you add a new kind of quantity.
Linear Element Type Lets you add a new linear element type.
Linear Location Lets you add a new linear location.
Linear Range Lets you add a new linear range.
Location Lets you add a new location.
Map Lets you add a new map.
Modification Lets you add a new modification order.
Namespace Lets you add a new namespace.
Organization Lets you add a new organization.
Person Lets you add a new person.
Physical Item Lets you add a new physical item.
Pricelists Lets you add a new pricelist.
Program Lets you add a new program.
Project Lets you add a new project.
ProjectWise Lets you add new ProjectWise items.
Quick Search Lets you add a new quick search.
Relationship Lets you add a new relationship.
Restriction Lets you add a new restriction.
Schedule Definition Lets you add a new schedule definition.
Scope Invite Lets you add a new invitation to a scope.
Serialized Item Lets you add a new serialized item.
Spatial Connection Administrator Lets you add/change/delete Spatial Connections and retrieve the password of a connection.
Spatial Layer Lets you add a new spatial layer.
Subscriber Lets you add a new subscriber.
Survey Instance Lets you add a new survey instance.
Sync Scope Lets you add a new sync scope.
Tag Lets you add a new tag.
Task Lets you add a new task.
Task Order Lets you add a new task order.
Transmittal Lets you add a new transmittal.
Unit Lets you add a new unit.
UnitSystem Lets you add a new unit system.
Vertical Menu Lets you add a new vertical menu.
Virtual Item Lets you add a new virtual item.
Virtual Item Group Lets you add a new virtual item group.
Work Order Lets you add a new work order.


Permission Description
Attribute Lets you maintain the list of attributes that will be available to documents, persons, etc.
Class Lets you maintain classes, class attributes, and class structures.
EntityMetadata Lets you maintain entity metadata.
Template Lets you create and modify templates.

Link Independent Objects

Note: The links referred to in this section are direct links, not those using relationship objects. Permission to create links that use relationship objects is granted using the Security topic on the specific relationship template.
Permission Description
Break Relationship Lets you break (delete) a relationship provided you also have Delete permission on the relationship instance.
Change Request - Modification Lets you maintain the link between change requests and modifications.
Document - Change Request Lets you add a document as an affected object to a change request provided you have modify rights on the change request.
Document - File Plan Disposition Order Lets you maintain the link between documents and file plan disposition orders.
Document - Suggested Distribution Lets you maintain the suggested distribution list for a document.
Modification - Related Modification Lets you maintain the link between two modifications.
Organization - Person Lets you maintain the link between organizations and persons.
Physical Item - Change Request Lets you add a physical item as an affected object to a change request provided you have modify rights on the change request.
Physical Item - Deviations / Waiver Lets you maintain the link between physical items and deviations / waivers.
Physical Item - Item Equivalent Lets you maintain physical item equivalents.
Physical Item - Modification Lets you maintain the link between physical items and modifications.
Physical Item - Serialized Item Lets you maintain the link between physical items and serialized items.
Serialized Item - Deviations / Waiver Lets you maintain the link between serialized items and deviations / waivers.
Serialized Item - Location Lets you maintain the link between serialized items and locations.
Serialized Item - Modification Lets you maintain the link between serialized items and modifications.
Virtual Item Group - Change Request Lets you add a virtual item group as an affected object to a change request provided you have modify rights on that change request.

Maintain List Values

Permission Description
Alternate Number Definition Lets you maintain alternate number definitions.
Attribute Type Definition Lets you maintain attribute type definitions.
Cost Categories Lets you maintain the list of cost categories.
Calendar Lets you maintain calendar lists.
Condition Rule Lets you maintain condition rule lists.
Cross Reference Type Lets you maintain the list of cross-reference types applicable to documents, physical items, and grouped virtual items.
Directory Entry Type Lets you maintain directory entry types that may include different address and contact number types applicable to organizations and persons.
Distribution List Lets you maintain distribution lists.
Distribution Reason Lets you maintain the list of distribution reasons.
Electronic File Format Lets you maintain the list of electronic file formats.
External Attribute Definition Lets you maintain external attribute definition, specifically for file fields and SharePoint columns.
Financial Year Lets you maintain the list of financial year definitions.
Intents Lets you maintain intents. This permission is for use with Bentley Cloud Services applications. Not used by typical AssetWise communities.
Keyword Lets you maintain the list of keywords and keyword classes.
Media Type Lets you maintain the list of media types.
Namespaces Lets you maintain the list of namespaces.
Physical Item Type Lets you maintain the list of physical item types.
Priority Lets you maintain the list of priorities change requests, modifications, notes, work orders, tasks, task orders, programs, and conditions.
Product Structure Type Lets you maintain the list of product structure types.
Responsibility Type Lets you maintain the list of responsibility types to create a named relationship between an organization / person with documents, grouped virtual items, physical items, serialized items, and virtual item groups.
Revision Rules Lets you maintain revisions rules.
Scopes Lets you maintain scope definitions.
Skill Lets you maintain the list of skills that can be associated with a person and that is used to allocate work order tasks.
Surveys Lets you maintain survey definitions (this includes question groups, questions and (possible) answers).
Unit of Measure Lets you maintain the list of units of measure applicable to physical items.

User Information

Permission Description
Allow Password Change Lets you change your password.
External File Copy Requests Lets you submit external file copy jobs.
Make 'Favorites' Available Lets you access a personal folder named Favorites.
Note: This permission must be set in order for users to have access to their Favorites folder.
Make 'ProjectWise Explorer' Available Grants you access to the "ProjectWise Explorer". The user will not have access to the "ProjectWise Explorer" if this permission is not set.
Manage Print Jobs Grants you permission to modify or delete your server print jobs.
Publish Lets you publish a folder.
Server Printing Lets you send print requests to the print server.
Setup External Tools Lets you set up and configure links to external applications or executables.
User Preferences Lets you view and maintain your user preferences.

System Information

Permission Description
Approve Scope Invitations Lets you approve scope invitations.
Audit, Purge Lets you purge audit entries.
Audit, View Lets you view audit detail against any object (provided you already have permission to view the object). This permission does not include permission to view audit property values.
Audit, View Property Values Lets you view all historic values captured in the audit detail.
Bulk Set Attributes Lets you perform bulk attribute updates. Note that, unlike the Data Maintenance permission, the user must still have all appropriate individual permissions to update the attributes.
Can use OData Allows the user access to (oData) Data Warehouse Endpoint for AssetWise.
Create & Manage Annotations Lets you manage annotations.
Dashboard Reports Allows the user access to ALIM Web Dashboard reports.
Data Maintenance This permission grants the user the right to perform bulk type actions, ignoring the individual permissions that the user may or may not have and in some cases ignoring business constraints that would prevent an individual user from performing the action which includes adding and deleting disposition items from approved disposition orders, deleting empty documents while processing disposition orders, changing file dependencies in approved documents, etc. This permission also allows canceling check-outs by other users.
eB System Settings Lets you maintain the AssetWise system wide settings such as default vaults, enabling email and login security.
Edit File Plans Based On Filing Rights Lets you edit file plans that have Can Use permission.
Edit Filed Records Lets you edit filed records even without explicit modify permission on the record.
Elevated Permissions Allows user to add and delete files on approved Documents. To use this permission user must be granted Modify permission on the Document object and the corresponding Document Copy.
Note: Adding a file to an approved, non-change controlled document must be accomplished in Edit mode.
Warning: Modifying an approved change controlled document is against the best practices of change management. Granting this permission presents a risk to the integrity of your data, therefore, please ensure that you are aware of, and willing to accept this risk before granting the permission.
'Grade 0A' Security Lets you modify the Grade 0A permissions and to create and maintain permission groups. Grade 0A permissions are specific Yes/No answers to questions like May add a new document or May change document types. Access to the Admin/Security folder is controlled by this permission.
'Grade B' Security Lets you modify the object instance security.
Note: Additional instance security rules and restrictions apply.
Impersonate any user This permission is required for audit and permission checking purposes, and is normally used by back office services doing work on behalf of other users.
Manage All Print Jobs Lets you modify or delete any/all server print jobs.
Manage Quick & Extended Searches Lets you manage quick and extended searches.
Manage Roles Lets you manage roles.
May Subscribe Others Lets you subscribe / unsubscribe other users (or groups) to/from notification events.
Modify Approved Documents Allows user to modify a NON-changed controlled approved Document’s properties. To use this permission the user must be granted Modify permission on the Document object.
Note: Unique identification properties are not available for modification as it would affect revision management.
Modify Approved Tags

Allows user to modify a NON-changed controlled approved Tag's properties. To use this permission the user must be granted Modify permission on the Tag object.

Note: Unique identification properties are not available for modification as it would affect revision management.
Modify Approved Virtual Item Groups Allows user to modify a NON-changed controlled approved Virtual Item Group’s properties. To use this permission the user must be granted Modify permission on the Virtual Item Group object.
Note: Unique identification properties are not available for modification as it would affect revision management.
ProjectWise Connect Allows the user the right to setup ProjectWise Connect or change the integration options.
Run File Plan Disposition Calculation Lets you manually run a disposition calculation (as opposed to a scheduled run).
Set Up Scheduled Job Lets you schedule background jobs.
User Account Information Lets you view and maintain AssetWise user accounts.

After the AssetWise ADMIN logon has been used to grant permission for Grade 0A Security, it is recommended that AssetWise Director be restarted using the user’s assigned logon to perform the remaining administration tasks. This allows audit tracking to show the correct person details.

Note: The internal AssetWise ADMIN account has full access to AssetWise and should not be assigned explicit permissions or be assigned to any role.