AssetWise Director Help

To Use the Work Order Schedule Calculator

AssetWise automatically provides schedule dates for the entire work order as well as individual tasks. A Plan Start or End date and a duration segment (such as 3 for 3 days) for the work order and duration must be assigned to each work task. The system will issue an appropriate warning if any of the required durations are missing.

The system uses a current calendar and excludes weekends when making calculations. For this reason, a task which starts on a Monday and has a duration of six days, will end the following Monday.

  1. Display the appropriate work order in the Content pane.
  2. Create and link all work order tasks and make sure you enter a Duration value for each task.
  3. Click the Calculate Schedule icon.

    The Calculate Schedule dialog opens.

  4. Enter the task settings and click OK.
    1. Calculate Task Dates from this Date Forward – Calculate the schedule from the Plan Start Date forward. Select this option if you are want to complete the work order as soon as possible.
    2. Calculate Task Dates from this Date Backwards – Calculate the schedule from a date in the future backwards. Choose this option if you are working from a deadline.
    3. Clear Task Start & End Dates – If individual tasks already have a start and end date, clear those dates and substitute new ones from the calculation.
    4. Adjust Work Order Start & End Date to Match the First and Last Task.
  5. Click OK.
    Note: Refresh (<F5>) the work order detail. The planned Start and End Dates will be displayed as well as the total Duration. Each work task will also be allocated the appropriate planned Start and End dates.