AssetWise CONNECT Edition Implementation Guide

Incoming Messages

Incoming messages are received from external sources and is required to be in the CCOM message format. To test receiving messages please refer to the "Standard Interoperability Engine" document to configure the interoperability scheduled definition and queue job. This feature is not enabled by default and requires manual setup as design.

The following messages are supported by the receive engine:
  • SyncAssets - This message is used to fit or remove a serial number to an existing tag

  • SyncOrganizations, SyncManufacturers - This message creates an organization with attributes if specified

    SyncDocuments - This message creates a document with attributes if specified or approves and existing document when the actionCode attribute has a value of Approve

  • SyncSegmentMeshes, SyncDocumentMeshes, SyncBreakdownStructureConnections - These messages create relationships between the supported tag to tag or document to document objects

  • SyncSegments - This message creates a tag with attributes if specified.

Messages created by the send engine when following this document can be used as the input messages by simply changing the values in the message with new codes to create or change existing objects, with the exception of SyncOrganizations and SyncManufacturers messages. Sample messages are included in the Appendix.

The receive engine uses templates to create objects for each respective message. The output messages use the class descriptions as the type node by default. When testing the receive message this value must be changed to a valid template name so that the engine knows how to create the objects. When this value is not found, the job produces an error stating that the template cannot be found.

All UUID nodes can be ignored and left blank for input messages as it is not used by the input job.

All messages contain a type node. The ShortName refers to a valid approved AssetWise object template name. The example shown below relates to the creation of documents. The same logic applies to all objects supported by the receive engine.