AssetWise CONNECT Edition Implementation Guide

Comment Tracking Administrators

Comments Tracking provides the ability to modify some properties of a workflow after it is completed for users configured as Comments Tracking Administrators. The properties are as follows:
  • "View" permissions on comments (as a collective group on the workflow)
  • Change the final decision
  • Edit approved comments
  • Unapprove comments.

Comments Tracking Administrators also have the ability to grant view permissions to users outside of the workflow when completing the last task of the workflow.

Comments Tracking Administrators are defined using standard ALIM Permission Roles via AssetWise Director. The permission roles can have any name and multiple roles can be configured as Comments Tracking Administrators.

Complete the following steps to configure Comments Tracking Administrators:

  1. Create the desired permissions roles in AssetWise Director.
  2. Add the required users to the role. For example, in the example below, three users are added to the "CT Administrator" role in AssetWise Director
    Note: The configured Role is for classification purposes only and does not require any specific permissions as shown in the example above. You may however add whatever permissions you like if, for example, this role will serve a purpose beyond defining Comments Tracking Administrators.
  3. Specify the configured roles in the Comments tracking Admin permission roles setting in the AssetWise CONNECT Edition Configuration. For more information, see Configuring Comments Tracking User Interface.