AssetWise CONNECT Edition Implementation Guide


This topic describes possible error messages that you might encounter in AssetWise CONNECT Edition, their causes, and solutions.

[Error dialog box] The specified origin is not allowed.

In certain circumstances, the error dialog box does not show, but you will see this in the F12 Console:

[From Console] Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin [web site domain]' is therefore not allowed access. The response had HTTP status code 403

Cause WSG is not configured to allow cross origin scripting. This is required for the ALIM website to use WSG.
Solution Update the WSG web.config appSettings AccessControlAllowOrigin key to *.
For example,
<add key="AccessControlAllowOrigin" value="*" />
[Error F12 Console]

500. Internal Server Error Get {WSG Endpoint}{WSG Repository}/MetaSchema/ECSchemaDef. Could not load ‘{SCHEMA}’.

Please check logs for more information. Could not connect to the storage module on the server ‘{server}’ for the repository with ID ‘{##}’.

Error Message: The Community Guid ({GUID}) could not be found in the local [to the Storage Service] configuration database.

This typically happens when you move the service or when the Community get deleted (and re-added). Please recover the local Storage Service settings

Cause The WSG service was moved, or the Community has changed.

Confirm that the Schema is valid, and that the Community was not recently changed.

Restart the eB Service Manager service.

Recycle the WSG application pool.

[From F12 Console] Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin [web site domain]' is therefore not allowed access. The response had HTTP status code 403.

In certain circumstances, the error dialog box does not show, but the following message appears in the F12 Console:

[From Console] Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin [web site domain]' is therefore not allowed access. The response had HTTP status code 403

Cause WSG is not configured to allow cross origin scripting. This is required for the ALIM website to use WSG.
Solution Update the WSG web.config appSettings AccessControlAllowOrigin key to *.
[Error message on screen] An error in the application has occurred. Please check your configuration and/or logout and log back in.
Cause For security reasons, the ALIM website does not allow traffic from non-registered domains.
Solution Update the WSG web.config appSettings AccessControlAllowOrigin key to *.
For example,
<add key="AccessControlAllowOrigin" value="*" />
[Error dialog box] Invalid login url, check site configuration.
Cause For security reasons, the ALIM website does not allow traffic from non-registered domains.

Update the ALIM website’s web.config at the root of the site to include the domain(s) being used for the site and WSG (if different than the ALIM web server) by editing the LoginWhiteList key in appSettings.

For example,
<add key="LoginWhiteList" value="" />
[Error dialog box] There is an error with the current repository configuration. Please check configuration and ensure base end points are correct.
Cause 1 The baseURL in the ALIM website’s override/config.json file is incorrect.
Solution1 Confirm that the URL in the baseURL setting of the override/config.json file is correct.
Note: The URL must include /wsg/v2.5/ (including the trailing forward slash).
Cause 2 The baseURL is correct, however WSG is not configured to allow cross origin scripting.
Note: This is required for the ALIM website to use WSG.
Solution 2 Update the WSG web.config appSettings AccessControlAllowOrigin to *.
For example,
<add key="AccessControlAllowOrigin" value="*" />
[Error dialog box] Secure protocol (HTTPS) is required.
Cause The WSG site being used is non-secure (http), however WSG has not been configured for non-secure use.
  1. If you intend to use a secure (https) site, the WSG URL in the override/config.json file’s baseURL setting should be set to "https"
  2. If you intend to use a non-secure WSG, set the WSG web.config appSettings value for AllowNonSecureHttp to "true".
For example,
<add key="AllowNonSecureHttp" value="true" />
[Error dialog box] No repositories have been found. Please check your configuration.
Cause When installing the eB EC Plugin, the eB domain was not entered or entered incorrectly.

Open the WSG ecom.config file in the root of the WSG site and edit the domains value. The domain must be included.

For example,
<add key="domains" value="" />
[Error dialog box] Class 'Global_EntityMetadata_DOC__x0020__MAN' was not found in schema 'Navigation'.
Cause The EC schema document does not exist or has not been configured in AssetWise.
Solution See Schema Generation.