AssetWise CONNECT Edition Help

To Export Files to Excel

You can export a list of files that are associated with a document, to Excel.

Follow these steps to export the list of files to Microsoft Excel.

  1. Open the document for which you want to export its files.
  2. Select the Files tab. The list of all files associated with this document appears.
  3. From the Actions menu, select Export all to Excel.
  4. From the Save list, select one of the following:

    Save: To accept the filename and save the file into the default file downloads location


    Save as: To browse to a specific location and/or change the file name.

    For each file in the list, a row is created in an Excel workbook displaying the name of each file, its size and the date it was uploaded to the system.
    Note: If a filter has been applied to the list, only the files in the filtered list are exported to Excel. To export all files, you must first clear the filter. See Filtering Objects for more information about applying filters.